Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Streams Of Colour And The Paparazzi In The Park

Here are more shots from the tulip beds in Major's Hill Park, which are popular for photographers, as you can see.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Colonel And The Tulip Beds

Today and tomorrow I have shots from within Major's Hill Park, taken on an earlier visit from the post I did yesterday. Here's the statue of Rideau Canal engineer Colonel By, surrounded by tulips. The second shot is taken from the end of the row, with the statue looking west towards Parliament Hill.

This bed of tulips is one of several along the pathway in the park, with the American embassy in the background.

The tulip beds on the north end of the park are a delightful and colourful sight, particularly with the architecture of Parliament, the National Gallery, and Notre Dame as backdrops.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Day Fit For A Queen

Victoria Day was last Monday, a holiday in much of Canada, and I spent the day on a walkabout. I came up to Parliament Hill looking for something that in fact wasn't happening, and instead photographed the lilacs; the first two shots offer glimpses of the spires of Notre Dame and the roof of the Chateau Laurier.

I headed over to Major's Hill Park and framed Parliament Hill and the Ottawa River with lilacs.

And to keep this all in with the Tulip Festival theme, I photographed this view of the National Gallery and Notre Dame, with tulip beds in the park at the right.

The final shot is from the evening before, taken on the Bank Street Bridge, taken around quarter to nine in the evening. This was a good spot for seeing the fireworks lit off from Lansdowne Park. I filmed it, and you can watch the fireworks here. It's a seventeen minute long video, so you might want to jump ahead to the last couple of minutes. And I speak in the last seconds of the clip, but there's no way I sound like that.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Miranda Meets Diana

These shots are from the tulip beds on the northwest end of Commissioners Park.

Across from the park, these orange tulips can be found near a building housing offices for a naval reserve unit; the building can be seen in the background, and is relatively new.

I liked the interplay of the statue and the tulips behind it on this property, with late afternoon sunlight shining from the west.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Sundrenched Tulips

Still here at Dow's Lake, I find that the late afternoon sun brings out the best of tulips. These tulips will be dug up soon, and flowers that last through the summer planted in their place. Sometime in October the job of planting bulbs again will happen. And compare the first photo to my header- the picnic table at the right shows it's the same spot. Quite a difference from last year to this one.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tulips And Royalty

Moving along the path, more tulip beds were in full bloom.

That included this raised circle of tulips I mentioned earlier in the series, with the series of panels about the history of the Tulip Festival along one side. You can see people looking at those panels on the far side of the circle.

There were also some of the large tulip sculptures in the park, and a panel series about Canada and the Netherlands which I showed you last year. There was a new panel among them, which I've included below.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An Odd Tulip Out

A reminder to members of City Daily Photo that the theme day for June is Shadow And Highlight.

Every once in awhile, one finds a different colour among the tulips. Such is the case in the second shot.