Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Czech Embassy

I have switched out the header image yesterday for one taken last August, at the Rideau Canal's Ottawa locks during Colonel By Day festivities.

Near the Embassy of Hungary in yesterday's post is another embassy, for the Czech Republic. First built in 1879 in the Victorian vernacular style, with additions added on in 1913, this house has been home to the Liberal Federation and the University Club. In 2000, it took on the embassy status it retains to this day. The embassy has been a regular feature in Doors Open for the last few years.

Apparently Lex Luthor was there that day. Or was that Captain Picard?

This room also had art hanging as an exhibit, in a very modern style.

The architectural style of this place really appeals to me.

This bust was on the top of a cabinet in this room. It depicts Vaclav Havel, the writer, dissident, and politician who shepherded the transition from the partitioning of the former Czechoslovakia into two nations as the final president of that country, and then as the first president of the Czech Republic. This bust was to be presented a few days after this event to the University of Manitoba by the Czech ambassador, as the note beside it explained.


  1. Hi William, the bust of Vaclav Havel looks disconcertingly like Hendrik Verwoerd (the father of Apartheid in the '60's in y country). Thanks for the tour of this amazing house. I see you often commenting on other blogs and have decided to follow you. I am a writer in South Africa and interested in anything to do with writers and the written word. My husband and I have moved to the mountains after living all over Africa on various mines and exploration camps. I have material to write and resolve to do this now we're living in this beautiful area. If you wish to see one of the things the [crazy] people of our valley get up to, please visit my blog post today. I look forward to seeing you and hearing your opinion. Greetings Jo

  2. I like your new header! And the inside of the Czech Republic ambassy.

  3. ...first off, I like your new banner! A lovely classic home.

  4. It's nice to see so much wood used in the interior. Wonderful new header!

  5. a new header shot, nice!
    i love the stain cases and the fireplaces. details! ( ;

  6. I do like your new header.
    A lovely house/embassy and don't the fireplaces look great!

    All the best Jan

  7. The wood paneled room looks so comfortable!

  8. Lively new header for celebrations this summer. I always like the interior style of the old houses.

  9. What a pretty fireplace! I also like those modern art pieces. I do love lines and angles. Love the new header too.

  10. @Jo: thanks! I shall look your page up.

    @Marianne: it was time for a switch.

    @Tom: the building has been well kept up.

    @Marleen: it was built to last!

    @Beth: it's quite a place!

    @Jan: this embassy has been involved in the Doors Open program for three or four years now. It's quite a place to visit. I'd love to see the country too someday.

    @RedPat: it does indeed.

    @Red: it felt appropriate for summer, and I was overdue to switch headers!

    @Sharon: thank you!

  11. Lot's of lovely wood features in the Hungarian Embassy also William, love the contemporary art, reminds me I have a spot to fill šŸ˜Š

  12. I'm not normally a fan of modern art, but I love the paintings.

  13. It is appealing. I like all of the wood features.Cute new Header.

  14. A fine structure with great character no doubt. Lovely photos indeed.

  15. @Grace: a lot of these older buildings seem to have fine woodwork.

    @Norma: me too.

    @Linda: I do too.

    @Janey: thank you!

    @Blogoratti: thanks!

  16. The wood has special character to it. Nice new header, I like it.

  17. I could force myself to live in a beautiful house like that.

  18. You have shown us a lovely variety of old buildings William. I would love to live in one like this.

  19. I liked Vaclav Havel. He was good politician.

  20. We lived in an old house in Toronto. I can just hear the creaking of the stairs!

  21. @Bill: it was well built.

    @Mari: as could I.

    @Denise: it has lots of character.

    @Francisco: thank you!

    @Orvokki: so do I.

    @Klara: he was.

    @Jennifer: old stairs will do that.
