Sunday, May 20, 2018


Late one afternoon before the Tulip Festival started, I decided to come up onto the rooftop terrace at the Rideau Centre mall downtown. There are pathways amid the grass and flowerbeds here, and tulips at this time of year. This first view looks east, with Arts Court and the old Carleton County Gaol in the background, and the campus of the University of Ottawa beyond that.

While red dominated the tulips in the eastern beds (at least during this visit), gold dominated elsewhere on the terrace.

Here we have proof that not all gardeners are human. Tulips not yet in bloom are growing among the bushes in this area- the result of squirrels, no doubt, transplanting bulbs.

I startled someone as I passed by here. He can be seen on the right of this shot.

I zoomed in a bit closer. There are a couple of rabbits up here. With plenty of grass around here, and the soil deep enough to support trees, they probably never leave the terrace, though they can, via staircases descending off the roof.

One final shot of tulip colours. We'll be off to another spot tomorrow.


  1. This is on top of your mall! That's amazing. A great place to come up and relax during or after a day of heavy shopping. I cannot imagine something like this here. I see the little bunny, too. How in the world did he/she get up there? Some fantastic views from up there, also.

  2. Very clever to take the photos from the rooftop, William. Thanks for sharing. Jo

  3. Great place to go for a walk, but I am wondering how the rabbit got up there?

  4. ...something else to see on our return trip!

  5. Wow, it’s a rooftop oasis! I’d love to stroll around there and enjoy the views of tulips as well as the city!

  6. Such a pretty area! I loved my time at Ottawa U in that wonderful city!

  7. I like to see tulips and other flowers in the city.
    But in the end there is norhing above wild flowers in the nature.

  8. Tulips are beautiful but so delicate. They loose their petals so easily. At least mine do. : )

  9. Tulipas nos encantam pela beleza e suavidade de suas maravilhosas pƩtalas
    Fotos fabulosas, William

  10. @Lowell: my assumption is they came up from Confederation Park and found quiet grass here to their liking.

    @Jo: you're welcome.

    @Janey: the steps would be easy enough to navigate, but I wonder if they can smell grass a long way off.

    @Tom: indeed!

    @Jenny: so do I.

    @Sandi: I like it.

    @Tamago: it's a good spot.

    @Marie: the campus has some relatively new buildings.

    @Jan: I agree.

    @Catarina: that is true here.

    @Gracita: thank you!

  11. Those squirrelly gardeners don't have the same sense of design as the human ones.

  12. That's an interesting project and makes good use of space.

  13. Your great photos make Ottawa look as beautiful as its name.

  14. Too gorgeous William, here and yesterday. Had to smile at the thought of squirrels planting tulips šŸ˜€ would the rabbits eat the plants?

  15. Had to do a closeup zoom myself to see what it was you startled. Great photos, all! :-)

  16. The soft orange and yellow is beautiful.

  17. @Sharon: they probably think that's a good thing.

    @Red: it does. I find myself wondering how many shoppers know it's there.

    @RedPat: they are indeed.

    @Maywyn: I love living here.

    @Grace: not as far as I've ever seen. I've only seen them keeping the lawns in good shape.

    @DJan: and if the bunny hadn't moved in the first place, I would have never seen him. Or her.

    @Marleen: it is indeed.

  18. The flowers and colours are so pretty to see.


  19. There is a rooftop terrace on your downtown mall? Available to the public? With tulips? I want to move there immediately. Beautiful photos, so impressed. Fun about the squirrels (I've read that they are responsible for all kinds of trees because they forget where they bury some of their seeds -- and apparently bulbs as well).

  20. These shots illustrate why so many look forward to your tulip posts each year.

  21. Oh, you even have tulips growing on roofs. It just goes to show there are never too many tulips.

  22. How amazing to think of all those tulips up on the roof and rabbits too:)

  23. Now that was a good idea to take your photographs from the rooftop - just lovely.

    All the best Jan

  24. Well, I was all for the pink but now I think I'm all for the yellow!

  25. There needs to be more rooftop gardens!

  26. Wow ~ wonderful rooftop garden ~

    Happy Day to you,
    C & z

  27. Well shot! I love your surprise.

  28. i was really amazed by gardens i saw this past weekend in Ontario ... thought it was interesting how they used such small spaces but grew such amazing beds of blooms. well done! ( ;

  29. @Bill: it is a good spot.

    @Sallie: count on squirrels to do that.

    @Mari: I'm looking forward to this year.

    @Kay: that is quite true.

    @Rosie: definitely.

    @Francisco: thanks!

    @Cloudia: that it is.

  30. @Jan: I'll have to go back this year in a couple of weeks.

    @Jeanie: a lot of both can be found here during the festival.

    @Jenn: this one certainly does the trick.

    @Carol: thank you.

    @Jennifer: thanks!

    @Beth: thanks!

    @Klara: it is.
