Thursday, February 25, 2021


For the next little while, I'll be showing you some of Ottawa in the winter. One morning in mid-January I was out during the immediate aftermath of an overnight snow storm. Snow was clinging to the trees in the early morning light here in the Glebe.

Here is one of the entrances down into Central Park, a ribbon park in the north end of the neighbourhood. I've been photographing this area, both east and west side, for a post I do each year showing the transition from winter into spring. This looks down into the east side.

And this looks over into the west side.

I continued on with my walk, into Centretown. Early morning drivers were making their way carefully along this street.

This is the Church of St. Barnabas, an Anglican church.

A short walk further, this view drew my eye.

Dundonald Park is close to home for me. This was the view in the park that morning.

And here it was the following morning. People had come out to make snowmen and snow forts during the intervening 24 hours.

This was one of the snow forts. We'll pick up here tomorrow.


  1. These are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. Will have to catch up on your recent posts. Love this one though, brisk and white winters are the very best.

  2. It´s beautiful - but I´m glad it´s gone.

  3. Snow is lovely when it first falls.

  4. We had a lot of snow here too and than ice after that. I like the snow when it is fresh fallen and pristine. After that is is always a mess....

  5. ...I like a fresh snowfall, we are having a thaw now.

  6. Ottawa gets more than its fair share of snow.

  7. Nice pictures but winter storm ... no thanks! LOL

  8. The first pics look best. They must have been taken at an earlier hour.

  9. now we are talking, i have been waiting for some SNOW shots. yeah!! so exciting. we have had ice lately ... no fun. now the past 2 days like almost 60's everything is pretty much melted. so silly. i want snow ... i am totally a kid stomping around ...where is my snow??! lol. i miss snow not ice. ( :

  10. These are great shots...and sharing a stormy day's snow is to be commended...lots of walking and hopefully you didn't have to bare a finger to click a shutter, like I do when using my phone camera...keep those gloves one!

  11. Bom dia Willian, as fotos ficaram incríveis, parabéns pelo se excelente trabalho.

  12. Beautiful early morning snowy shots. It must be very cold out there in the early morning.

  13. I had to put my coat on for this post!

  14. And you're a guy who rally likes snow! This is your topic!

  15. @Gemel: thank you!

    @Iris: still here.

    @Rosemary: true.

    @Jan: thanks!

    @Italiafinlandia: indeed.

    @Marianne: it definitely can be.

  16. @Tom: we're hovering around zero.

    @David: we get a lot.

    @Ella: it's to be expected here.

    @Anvilcloud: yes, the first shots were taken before dawn, as I recall.

    @Beth: it'll be snow into at least half of March for this blog.

    @Barbara: no, gloves off for taking pics in my case.

  17. @Jennifer: yes it was.

    @Magiceye: thank you.

    @Luis: thanks!

    @Nancy: some mornings more than others.

    @RedPat: thank you.

    @Sharon: Hah!

    @Red: I love it.

  18. It really is beautiful -- quite magical, especially with those lights. I always love snow more in other peoples' environments than I do in my own!

  19. I am so thankful that I live in the desert. Thanks for reminding me. Tweeted.

  20. Wonderfully photographed ~ the wintry scenes are beautiful and once again ~ I think you do exceptional night scenes ~ ^_^

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Some imaginative folks were out in the park. Beautiful snow pictures.

  22. @Jeanie: oh, I love snow.

    @Happyone: thank you.

    @Bill: thanks!

    @Revrunner: winter rules!

    @Mari: you're welcome.

    @Carol: thanks!

    @Joanne: they were.

  23. Such pretty snow shots! Unfortunately, all our snow has now melted away.

  24. Wow! Like you said once your winters are very different from ours.

  25. Such lovely winter shots - stay warm.

    All the best Jan

  26. Oh my gosh such beautiful winter scenes, thank you William 💙

  27. Dreamlike. I did enjoy walking through such back in the day. But I doubt I could handle today!

  28. @Lady Fi: ours stays around awhile.

    @Luis: we get long winters.

    @Jan: thank you.

    @Grace: you're welcome.

    @Cloudia: I love doing so.
