Friday, July 30, 2021

Alongside The Mighty Chaudiere

Continuing on today, here we have views from the main viewing area of the Chaudiere Falls. And here is one of the videos I took during this visit.

I continued a little further on, towards the end of the pathway where I took more shots and the second of these videos of the falls. I have sat before in the chairs up here. The roar of the waterfalls has a lulling effect; on a pleasant day it would be all too easy to fall asleep while sitting.

On my way out I photographed the view upstream. The Ottawa River is wide here. The buildings in the background are at Tunney's Pasture on the Ottawa side of the river. A portion of the old railway bridge I mentioned the other day can be seen as well.

One last shot for this walk. I passed by the War Museum. Across the street is some parkland and I paused to photograph this. I'm guessing it's lavender, but I assume my gardening readers can confirm it readily. In that regard, I'm hopeless.


  1. Looks close enough for lavender to me, but it also might be a type of sage.

  2. There is something refreshing about falling water.

  3. White noise falls and great look back, William

  4. I have a little (Henry-) waterfall here. Sooo good. yes, lavender is soothing, too. Have that under my pillow for a better sleep.

  5. I like the sounds of fast streaming water.

  6. Hello,
    The water looks so powerful, Love the views with the flowers.
    Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  7. Beautiful pictures of the powerful falls. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. @fun60: thanks.

    @Maywyn: maybe.

    @Linda: I agree.

    @Cloudia: they do.

    @Iris: thank you.

    @Jan: so do I.

    @Eileen: thank you.

    @Nancy: thanks!

  9. It does look pretty mighty in those pics.

  10. I especially love that first photo.

  11. The water looks so fierce, William!
    Are you having any blogger problems? I can't see my reading list anymore and some blogs take forever to open. Also my blog listing on people's favourites list seem to have changed to some weird code. I wonder if I am even showing on reading lists? All very strange.

  12. Great photos...but I missed or couldn't locate a video. Waterfalls always are attractive, and big ones are awesome!

  13. Impressive photos of the water.

  14. Nice pics. Love the wild flowers. That falls is very noisy.

  15. I loved the video. It sounds just like I had imagined it would sound.

  16. El vídeo complementa muy bien tus fotos. En él se puede mejor apreciar, la intensidad y el gran volumen del agua en su desplazamiento.

  17. @Anvilcloud: it's quite a sight.

    @Marie: me too.

    @Tom: it does a lot.

    @RedPat: hopefully you've seen my workaround.

    @Barbara: I embed the video in the blue text.

    @happyone: thank you.

    @Denise: thanks.

    @MB: the falls do make quite a sound.

    @Sharon: if I'm here, I do yend to video things. It's been a year, I think, since I last did a video.

    @Ventana: thank you.

  18. Uhm, kinda looks likes rosemary to me. :-)

  19. I agree with you about the sounds of water, it's very relaxing. I find water helps me think, it's good for clearing your head.

  20. Great pictures of the falls. I enjoyed them all.

  21. Powerful falls photos ~

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative harbor

  22. The mighty Chaudiere looks mighty indeed! I'd hate to get caught up in that current but it's really very beautiful.

  23. Wow, a force indeed that water. Fabulous photos.

  24. I really like water and waterfalls!

  25. Enjoyed the video William, impressive in motion!

  26. @Revrunner: again, I'm definitely not an expert!

    @Amy: it really does.

    @Marleen: thank you.

    @DJan: thanks.

    @Carol: indeed.

    @Jeanie: it's a strong current.

    @Joanne: a whole lot.

    @Gemel: definitely.

    @Jennifer: me too.

    @Grace: it is, yes.

    @Elizabeth: me too.
