Thursday, March 28, 2024

Interior Perspectives

More today from within the Learning Centre. 

I headed to the second floor, where this painting caught my eye.

A look below.

Display panels on the walls look at the importance of bees and honey.

A look outside towards Meadowview Barn.

The Soil Lab is in a building linked to the Dairy Barn. I popped inside and had a look. This display panel looks at the importance of using soil in a responsible way.

Outside, a look towards the main entrance of the Dairy Barn. But before going there, something else drew my attention across the way.

This machine, back over by the Learning Centre, is a seed drill.


  1. I love the painting of the calf, that's an animal we see alot of here.

  2. Many city folks are overdue for a visit.

  3. It is clear, by how it is drawn, that artist loved that cow!

  4. The learning center and barn look like a fun place to visit. Take care, have a great day!

  5. ...we would starve if there weren't bees!

  6. Good educational center with information clearly given, pictures and words. Funny the blue things hanging down, guess they are just is for decoration.

    1. As noted yesterday, they remind me of seaweed, which is appropriate as the exhibit is about aquaculture.

  7. The eyes on that calf painting are wonderful, William.

  8. This could be a long series for you as there is much to see.

  9. I always enjoy seeing bees at work in the flowers and gardens. They are critically important to us. Our state is a major producer of honey so bee keepers have the most livestock here.

  10. Fascinating learning center and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I do like the painting of that calf.

    All the best Jan

  12. I continue to appreciate the barn.

  13. I love that cow painting, too. This is a wonderful spot for photography!
