Saturday, May 11, 2024

Wall Of Glass

 I dropped in earlier this week at the Ottawa Convention Centre, otherwise known as the Shaw Centre (thank you, branding rights). Anyway, the building dates to 2011, replacing the former Congress Centre downtown. The replacement is a wonder of contemporary architecture, with a graceful curving wall of glass that looks out onto the city and engages the visitor. The former Congress Centre was rather inward looking.

The glass consists of a multitude of triangles, reflecting the exterior, including the Rideau Canal, where this building is on the east shore of its final stretch.

Inside on the ground floor, this sculpture by Laura Brown-Breetvelt depicts Princess Juliana and her daughter Margriet. During the Second World War, the crown princess of the Netherlands and her daughters took refuge in Ottawa, and Margriet was born here.

Nearby, another work of art, a canoe that has been painted and reflects the city itself.

The interior of the building consists of four levels of promenades looking out onto the city. Within are meeting spaces that range from sufficient for a meeting of a dozen people up to one space that, when fully opened up, can fit an airplane.

The views are a delight. It's been awhile since I was last inside.


  1. Thank you for showing us the wall of glass from the inside and outside as I can now really visualise it. A great addition to the building.

  2. Love the reflections in the glass

  3. Interesting building. Fun architecture.

  4. Hope that many birds are not killed flying into that glass.

  5. The folds on the lower half of the dress on the sculpture depicting Princess Juliana are remarkable. They appear to be made of cloth, not metal.

  6.'s a beautiful building!

  7. I love that connection Canada has to the Netherlands. There are generations of Dutch families on this island.

  8. It is a beautiful building! I love the sculpture!
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  9. Wonderful design, I love the reflections of the surrounding.

  10. That looks like a great building. I like that tulip sculpture, William.

  11. That's a busy wall with all the triangles.

  12. That is a most impressive wall of glass, and it gives great reflections.

  13. Thank you for your wonderful photos.
    It's definitely a lot of fun to walk around the building... the curved wall with the reflection of the city is very exciting.
    I wish you a happy weekend.

  14. That's one massive Tulip and I like the painting of colours on the canoe.

  15. Fascinating place and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
