Friday, January 24, 2025

The Story

This artificial cave is a delight to be in. The recessed lighting is particularly beneficial to the photographer.

Back out I went into the central atrium, where I took more shots of Gaia. I assume this is an inflatable- as big as it is, there's not a lot of weight to it.

Stepping back out into the Queens Lantern, we find the story of the building's history told.

It was first erected in 1905, in what had been a field south of the downtown core. Now it is part of the downtown core. It was first home to the Geological Survey of Canada.

The 1916 fire on Parliament Hill that destroyed the original Centre Block resulted in the building becoming home for some years to the House and the Senate.


  1. There are a few caves in my area, real ones, yet to go in in any of them, this seems safer.

  2. ...the big blue marble is beautiful.

  3. Great exhibit. The Gaia is pretty. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  4. Lovely photos from the cave. It has great indirect lighting.

  5. The cave looks so good, William.

  6. The fire in the parliament buildings has been an important disaster in our history.

  7. An artificial cave is ok by me, a real one makes me feel the weight of all that earth and rocks over my head, and I don't like it very much. Love the big ole Gaia.

  8. Kendall, fotos encantadoras!
    Um beijinho sorridente!
    πŸ’‹πŸ’—πŸ’‹Megy Maia

  9. I think I would love seeing the fake cave. You're right about the lighting. And Gaia is a stunner.

  10. I do like the cave views.

    All the best Jan
