Wednesday, February 19, 2025


 Last week we got hit by a rather significant snowstorm. It started around nine or so in the evening. I went for a walk while the snow was relatively light, out into the Glebe. There was wind, but the buildings provided an effective buffer. This first shot includes the domed structure of the Glebe Community Centre at left.

Passing through one street, I saw rabbit tracks come out of one driveway in the fresh snow, move along the sidewalk, and promptly go back into the next driveway. Rabbits are less active in winter, and this one must have decided that a return to the burrow was a good idea.

Another shot, closing in on home.

The brunt of the storm came in shortly after twelve thirty in the morning. This first shot out the window had the condo tower starting to fade in the distance.

Ten minutes later, it was gone.

The following night, after the storm had ended, another walk in the Glebe was called for. The roads in the neighbourhood are generally quiet at night, and were passable. The sidewalks, not so much. I kept to the roads.

I passed by Glebe-St. James United Church.

Snow was in piles along the roads. Some sidewalks had been shoveled or plowed.

A final shot, close to home. After this storm, another major snowstorm hit the city. The snow banks are now taller than me.


  1. The snow always makes everything look so fresh and clean, at least at first. Lovely winter photos.

  2. ...this is a real winter and I'm enjoying it.

  3. I am tired of this winter. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  4. Nice shot, I like the snowy world.
    We had a winter week too. Last week we had about 10 cm snow and this week. This week it froze just enough to be able to skate on thin ice at some locations.

  5. That's a lot of snow and slush to drive through.

  6. Keep digging! Shovelling is good excersise!

  7. Winter photos at their best. Well done, William

  8. Nice night shots! I like the warm glow of lights.

  9. wonderful night photos of the snow and surroundings ~ smart bunny rabbit ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. That is a lovely walk! Our rabbits have been out eating a lot.

    1. Sometimes I'll see one dart away in this area at night.

  11. I can't imagine rabbits enjoying that much cold, spring will be there for you soon.

    1. They do stay scarce in winter, but don't hibernate.

  12. I doubt if my rabbits would be out and about in snow, surprised that you saw evidence of one out and about in such brisk weather.
