Monday, January 7, 2019

Vantages From The Observation Deck

The views from the observation deck on the Peace Tower are splendid indeed. I was the first visitor up that morning, and so I was on the deck with one of the guides and a parliamentary police officer, as opposed to the usual being one of several visitors that you will tend to get as the day goes along. This looks east, over landmarks like the National Gallery, Notre Dame, Major's Hill Park, and the American embassy.

Looking to the southeast includes the East Block, with the Chateau Laurier and government Conference Centre across the Rideau Canal. The Senate will start meeting in the Conference Centre when the Christmas break comes to an end.

Looking closer at hand gives us some of the architectural features of the Tower and one of the panels about the bells inside it.

Another view looking east; the wooded area you can make out in the distance is the property at Rideau Hall.

The upper set of windows also have a lower set, ideal for kids or those in a wheelchair to have a look out.

Between the two levels on each side are panels indicating the landmarks out there.

Another look up affords a close up view of the clock faces. This is the one on the south side of the tower that you see as you approach the building.

This is the view looking out from the south side. As it was morning, sunlight was shining in from here.

This view looks out to the southeast.

While this looks southwest towards West Block. We'll pick up with more of this tomorrow.


  1. Oh la! Spectacular views William, it definitely pays to be the early bird ✨

  2. Breathtaking views - and I do very much like the window for kids/wheelchair-bound people.

  3. Beautiful view. Have a happy week!

  4. Those fist two photos remind us of what a large city ottawa really is! Happy Monday.


  5. ...what a fabulous winter day you had, nice view from the top.

  6. Great pictures from that height. I enjoy your excursions and subsequent photos. :-)

  7. Hello William!
    Stunning pictures and the views are breathtaking!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely day and a happy week!

  8. @Grace: relatively early- this was nine thirty in the morning!

    @Iris: I imagine the architects were forward thinking in that regard.

    @Nancy: thank you!

    @Francisco: thanks!

    @Janis: geographically it is a very big city.

    @Tom: it was a good day to get up there.

    @Maywyn: definitely.

    @Sandi: that it is.

    @DJan: thank you!

    @Dimi: you're welcome.

  9. Incredible views from up there!

  10. I'm glad you went up there once again. Fog is beautfiful but at this height clear sky is much better. It's a wonderful serie so far.

  11. You get a much different perception from the higher elevation.

  12. Wow, fantastic views. I also like that clock face shot.

  13. glad you got a chance to record these views!

  14. @RedPat: it is a grand spot to take in the views. I'll be sorry when it's inaccessible.

    @Jan: thank you!

    @Red: you really do.

    @Sharon: I've got another clock face view tomorrow.

    @Barbara: I'm glad too.

  15. Love that look at the clock face, William.

  16. Wonderful views! Kinda cool to be the first one up there that day!

  17. Beautiful views, William. I like your perspective on the clock, very nice indeed.

  18. Well, I give you credit! I would have a tough time being up that high even if I could get some great photos! You live in such a gorgeous city with the exception of what looks like snow. That what stuff looks like snow! Is that snow? Can you fix it?

  19. ah those are some great views.

  20. @Marie: so do I.

    @Jenn: I think that's the first time I've been the first visitor up there.

    @Bill: thank you!

    @Lowell: heights and snow are good!

    @Happyone: they are indeed.

  21. Panoramic views and great photos!

    Happy day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. What a splendid view. My vertigo is already kicking in!

  23. what great views ... hope u enjoy heights!! ( ;

  24. I love those views and the photo you took looking up at the clock tower was really neat. Must have been nice getting to see things without the usual crowd. Great shots William, thank you!

  25. @Carol: thank you!

    @Jeanie: that's not a problem for me!

    @Norma: the deck is at sixty metres.

    @Beth: I do, yes.

    @Kay: definitely!

    @Denise: usually you might have a dozen or so visitors up here at the same time. There would certainly be a capacity limit, but because I was early, and because the tours were just getting underway at the same time, that generally meant I was going to have the place to myself. The same applied to the Memorial Chamber- it was myself and a couple of the guides, which was handy, as I was able to ask questions.

  26. Oh William, what fabulous views, and I love that the upper set of windows also has a lower set, which is ideal for children or those in a wheelchair to have a look out. Perhaps more places should think about offering this!

    All the best Jan

  27. What wonderful views! I always try to climb towers and domes to look out on the view. You found a fine one here!

  28. The views are amazing, but my favourite picture is the one with the clock.

  29. @Jennifer: it was!

    @Italiafinlandia: that they were.

    @Jan: it must have been there from the start, the lower and upper windows, so the architects were forward thinking.

    @Sharon: this is a wonderful tower deck.

    @Klara: I'll miss being able to photograph that clock from close up.
