Monday, June 10, 2019

Crossing Into Gatineau

I headed over to the Quebec side of the Ottawa River to take in some tulips at a couple of spots in Gatineau. Jacques Cartier Park was the first, and here we have views of tulips against bushes alongside the park.

A portion of the park is undergoing rehabilitation at the moment and was fenced off. That area just happens to include the main tulip beds (though there was an open area of fence allowing for the photographer to come in). Have a look at the river- there's a line of piers anchored out in the water, but the river itself had gone above its normal banks, seen in the trees standing in water where they usually line the shore.

I took advantage of the opportunity to photograph the tulips, most of them yellows and oranges.

Plus the occasional rogue tulip.

Here we have a view that includes the Alexandra Bridge and the Peace Tower beyond it.

Leaving the park, I paused to photograph this statue with tulips beyond it. Maurice "Rocket" Richard was a legend of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team in the 1940s and 50s, an intense and gifted player of the game who is still beloved in Quebec. This larger than life statue is a good photo op, particularly with tulips, and distributes much of its weight through the hockey stick and one of the legs, a testament to the skill of the artist.

Turning around gives a view of our destination for tomorrow, the Canadian Museum of History, which has some tulips on the grounds during the time of the festival.


  1. I don't mind visiting the area again and again if I were there, just to enjoy the beauty of the tulips.

  2. You brighten up this cloudy day. Thank you.

  3. The yellow and orange displays are a feast for the eye.

  4. My friend is back from Gattineau and said that nature is late and she didn't have a such good weather ! She also noticed that there were so many sculptures and I see here your hockey player !

  5. Die Tulpen in den verschiedenen Farben sind klasse.


  6. Oh my gosh the wave of colour from the tulips is breath taking, the orange and yellow are amazing! Like flames! That truly is a wonderful statue, as you said, a talented artist to capture the stance so perfectly!

  7. Wonderful colour to welcome you out from the cold northern winter.

  8. ...the yellow and oranges ones are fabulous!

  9. Shown the river really is high William! Love the orange and yellow tulips but loooove the rogue tulips when they pop up even more 😉

  10. Of course the tulips are beautiful again, but that great sculpture of the hockey player is the highlight for me today.

  11. I am back from my break and see you have found more tulips!

  12. These are among the best you've shown...just a sea of tulips. And to see the water high on the river puts things in perspective!

  13. I also love that statue, and of course the tulips once again. I never tire of them. :-)

  14. Hello, the tulips are gorgeous. What a lovely sight to see! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

  15. The yellow and orange tulips are so lovely!

  16. Is there anywhere in Ottawa that you can't find tulips?

  17. Impressive tulips everywhere ~ great shot of hockey hero statue ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. @Nancy: they are well worth seeing.

    @Iris: you're welcome.

    @Fun60: that they are.

    @Gattina: we've only just had heat the last few days. I was still wearing a leather jacket a week ago today.

    @Noke: thank you.

    @Laurie: he looks like he's about to head down the rink.

    @John: that it is.

    @Tom: they are!

    @Grace: rogue tulips are fun to find.

    @Jan: thank you!

    @Joan: and more to come.

    @Barbara: I was glad that the tulip beds could be accessed. I wonder how long the park rehabilitation is going to take- and when the river will go down. I don't think I'll be over on that side of the river again until Canada Day.

    @Marie: it is!

    @DJan: me either.

    @Eileen: thanks!

    @RedPat: I agree.

    @Red: we have lots.

    @Carol: thank you.

  19. Those fields of yellow and orange are simply amazing.

  20. Ice hockey is followed in Finland too...

  21. Thank you. Once again you have posted breath taking views of beauty. Yes, I Tweeted.

  22. the orange and yellow tulips are very vibrant. The statue is a beauty and a nice reminder of the hockey legand player.

  23. How marvelous it must be to view a sea of tulips, all with such amazing colors. I enjoyed the statue also and look forward to your next post.

  24. i love the yellow and orange ... so awesome. hope u r well. take care. ( ;

  25. Those yellow-tinged-with-red are unreal!

  26. @Sharon: they are.

    @Italiafinlandia: it's quite a sport.

    @Mari: you're welcome.

    @Bill: thank you!

    @Denise: it is, yes.

    @Beth: thank you.

    @Cloudia: that they are.

  27. Even more colors. We may be saturated soon.

  28. I really like the orange and yellow tulips together.

  29. Those yellow and orange tulips are a big wow. Massed fields like these are spectacular.

  30. Lovely pictures. The last one is my favorite because of the curves.

  31. That sure is a lot of tulips.

  32. Beautiful. I wonder what the tulip fields will look like or show when the season is over! Can't wait to see.

  33. I like all of those orange and yellow tulips, such gorgeous colour together.

    All the best Jan

  34. I like the second picture very much.
    Pretty composition with tulips in the front and the marina in the background.

  35. @Joanne: lots of colours.

    @Shammickite: so do I.

    @Kay: thank you.

    @Linda: it's a good one.

    @Francisco: thanks.

    @Happyone: a lot!

    @Jeanie: quite different.

    @Jan: I like them too.

    @Klara: thank you.
