Monday, January 13, 2020

From Time Immemorial

The permanent galleries at the Canadian Museum of History were reorganized for the 150th anniversary of the country. The story of the country is told chronologically, weaving the First Nations into the story in a way that had been absent in what had been here before. It all starts with the first gallery, with the creation of the world as told in Anishinaabe oral histories. The story is told in that language, with French and English subtitles on the screen.

In terms of the archaeological record, First Nations peoples began migrating into North America with the end of the last great ice age. Artifacts and display panels begin to go into detail on their story.

In the Northern Plains, the bison was sacred to the tribes calling that area home. Items here include the skull of one such animal, and a replica of a buffalo jump, a technique for hunting the bison and corralling them off a cliff.


  1. This is a very interesting galleries.

  2. the US, Native Americans seem to be left out of history!

  3. It's great that there are still Anishinaabe speakers to recount their legends in their own language.

  4. Wow ... I never heart of that method of hunting bisons before.

  5. How wonderful the acknowledgement of the history of the First Nations.

    Janis GDP

  6. Hello, great views of the museum exhibit. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  7. Very interesting, and a very easy way to "hunt" buffalo. What a lot of work to do after the mass killing.

  8. Good to see this exhibit, William.

  9. Good to see the story of the First Nations creation shared with the public with subtitles. I'm glad that this year I've somehow learned a lot more about the earliest inhabitants of the Americas, and that they were here much earlier than the well as had a much larger population (than attributed in our history books) before Europeans arrived.

  10. Congratulations 150!
    Somehow Canada feels older, a beautiful ancient land on Earth.

  11. An interesting way to tell the story.

  12. Gosh! Makes me remember when I was a boy and constantly in search of arrowheads.

  13. @Iris: it is.

    @Ella: indeed.

    @Tom: a shame.

    @David: that it is.

    @Jan: it made sense.

    @Janis: that's true.

    @Eileen: thank you.

    @Marie: I do as well.

    @Grace: indeed.

    @DJan: very much so.

    @RedPat: it is indeed.

    @Barbara: it's a good introduction to the national story.

    @Maywyn: physically it is ancient. The Canadian Shield is some of the oldest rock on the planet.

    @Sharon: that it is.

    @Revrunner: I can relate.

  14. Fascinating... it's all new to me.

  15. Technology, Like Wow - Way Cool


  16. Native Americans culture is fascinating

  17. Love the beginning ~ dazzling light display ~ excellent exhibit and photography ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I think I would stand in front of the scene of that first photo for hours.

  19. A wonderful exhibition to experience.

  20. @Karl: thank you.

    @Padre: thanks.

    @Michelle: indeed.

    @Carol: definitely.

    @Jennifer: I agree.

    @Jeanie: it's a good introduction.

    @Bill: that it is.

  21. The light display is beautiful.

  22. Such an interesting post, would have loved to see that.

  23. That looks like great story telling.

  24. when i look out at the stars it really makes me feel apart of the world. i can not imagine not seeing the stars ...for those folks who have too many city lights ...would be too too sad for me .. i love nature moments. ( ;

  25. Fascinating, what a awesome exhibition, what a beautiful way to remember those long gone.

  26. @Happyone: it is.

    @Joanne: there is.

    @Denise: it's quite a museum.

    @Kay: I think it is.

    @Francisco: thanks!

    @Beth: thank you.

    @Gemel: definitely.
