Wednesday, February 1, 2023

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Virtue

 The first day of each month is a theme day for City Daily Photo, and for February, that theme is Virtue. Check to see how others are interpreting the theme right here

Among the definitions of virtue is "a beneficial quality or power of a thing". To me, a museum fits that bill entirely. I am in the midst of a tour of the Canadian Museum of History at the moment. One of the treasures of the Museum is this church, St. Onuphrius Ukrainian Catholic Church. It is part of the legacy of the settling of the Canadian West, having had been built at Smoky Lake, Alberta. Donated by the congregation to the Museum in 1996, it remains a consecrated church, still occasionally used for services. It is located inside the Canadian History Hall, which tells the story of Canada's history from time immemorial to the present day.

It is especially a wonder inside.

A video display screen allows the visitor to look at details about the church, including its interior and its religious services and meaning to the community.

The path around the building is wide, allowing the visitor to look into the windows at the back of the building while also looking at artifacts on the other side of the path. This is the sacristy.

And at the back of the church, these allow for looks into the area behind the altar.


  1. It is a lovely addition to the museum.

  2. A good view of the church's interior including the back of the church and also behind the altar. It has a beautiful church front in the 1st and 2nd pictures.

  3. How interesting to have the church inside the museum, and an interesting link with the theme.

  4. What a beautiful church, both inside and outside! Take care, have a great day!

  5. Virtue? I didn't know you would be talking about me for the whole month!

    1. Hah! Well I certainly wouldn't be talking about myself.

  6. ...virtue isn't commonly practiced these days.

  7. Una típica iglesia, que sirve para unir a los feligreses, en los actos que se celebran en ella. Aprovechando que la iglesia es ucraniana, quiero mandar mi solidaridad a aquellas personas de este país, que ahora lo están pasando tan mal.

  8. Amazing! Great photos. Beautiful church. Ukranian ancestry via ex, I only met the founding father.

  9. I love everything about that church, William. And the fact that it's a Ukranian church, on this anniversary month of the war, is especially touching.

  10. I remember when you have shown it before. Thanks for all the detail shots this time. Good one for the theme, William.

  11. Museums are wonderful places to think and learn and enjoy.

  12. That is such a lavishly decorated chuch, for a simple outside. Glad it's in a museum.

  13. Thank you for sharing the impressive interior.

  14. What a divine chapel ~ lovely photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Lots of Ukrainian culture here.

  16. I like your idea of using the dictionary to broaden the concept of the theme. The church is quite beautiful. It must have taken much care and effort to move it from Alberta.

    1. It's my go to for a topic that seems difficult when I first see it announced. Generally speaking some portion of a definition will fit a theme.

  17. What a beautiful church! Thanks for sharing it.

  18. It does look sacred and virtuous

  19. Oh I love this little church!!!

  20. Wow! It's like you gave us all a present for your birthday. This is an exceptional structure. Thanks William. And happy birthday!.

  21. Ire ember the church, but I don’t remember whether I have been inside.

  22. I very much enjoy learning Canada's history through your posts William. Always very interesting! Thank you!
