Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Dawn Rises Upon The Brand New Year

 As I end the year with sunsets, it's appropriate to begin the year with new post material with sunrises.

These first shots date back to a July morning. I was at Lansdowne Park and took this shot from the grounds on the east side of the property.

A few minutes later, I took this shot from the west side of the stadium.

I took this one with a zoom on my phone in August, with the crescent moon rising in the dawn sky to the east. The stadium and the surrounding property are particularly ideal for dawn shots.

Later in the month, the cloud pattern seen here caught my eye as I came by before dawn.

Early in September, another beautiful morning was developing.

A few days on, with absolute first light starting to develop on the horizon, I returned and took these shots of the rising crescent moon.

And later in the month, another beautiful day was rising.

Here we have another case of absolute first light, but from November, when this was taken around six in the morning. This is Dundonald Park in Centretown.

Late that month, but on the same day, two more shots from Lansdowne. I paused to take this view of the Aberdeen Pavilion in pre-dawn light.

Shortly afterwards, the stadium view was like this.

On Boxing Day morning, I was downtown and took this shot of the morning sky. The building in the foreground is Somerset House, once an architectural gem, but for more than a decade shuttered and closed off, the victim of an incompetent developer who has monumentally screwed up in his response to an accident inside the building that's compromised the place, and ever since has been nothing more than excuses and silence and promises that lead nowhere.

I still say that every citizen of the city should have the right to punch that jackass in the face.

My first shots of 2024, taken on New Year's Day. I considered trying to reach the Rideau Canal downtown for a couple of shots, but wasn't sure if the cloud cover would hold off when I woke up early. I took this shot a few blocks from home, with some blue sky and the early sun illuminating the clouds.

And this one a bit closer to home, at Dundonald Park, where the bare outline of trees contrasted well with the dawn.


  1. William, you have beautifully caught the first light of day. Too bad out skies have been overcast for the past week.

  2. These sunrises are most astounding. Love the colour and the sky.

  3. Sunrises are harder to capture unless you are happy getting up before the day has started. Sunsets, on the other hand, come at a much more civilised hour.

  4. Me gusta las fotos del amanecer, pero para verlos, no hay más remedio que madrugar.

  5. Great job. Sunrise is the best part of the day. That may be a cliché, but nevertheless true. Some people never see it.

    1. Oh, I get that entirely, which may be why I'm awake right now. However, I think I'll get a bit more sleep.

  6. Beautiful collection of sky images! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  7. Nice series of shots across the field!

  8. Great idea and beautiful sunrises.

  9. far this year we have had sunrises, but they haven't been visible.

  10. The different dawn skies are amazing:)

  11. I enjoyed that you were out in the cold morning air to take these shots...wait, that sounds wrong, I enjoy the shots, and am in awe that you were out in the cold morning air!

  12. I rarely see dawn, so thanks for this!

  13. Every single photograph is a delight!

  14. You are out and about so early!

  15. Great, there are a number of atmospheric shots there.

  16. For some of these sunrises , you had to be up very early.

  17. Yep, I've been keeping my eyes on the skies, hoping to snag something for tomorrow's Skywatch Friday.

  18. You're an early riser to get sunrise photos in July.

  19. You really captured the beauty of pre dawn. Those cloud patterns over the stadium are engaging. You have a good eye. William, aloha

  20. For a 'rogue and scoundrel' you take some fine images! I really enjoyed them.
    I wish you all the best for 2024.

  21. Mornings, best time of day. :)

  22. Magnificent dawn photos and gorgeous night shots too ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
