Friday, August 23, 2019

Guelph Churches

During my time in Guelph I photographed a number of churches in the area. To start with, this is Riverside Community Reformed Church.

The rest of these I photographed on another day, on that same brooding sky day I showed a couple of days back. These churches are clustered into an area around the downtown core. This is the First Baptist Church.

Here is St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. It was established in 1828.

At one point this was a Wesleyan Methodist church. Today it houses Lakeside Hope House. Its red front door caught my attention. There was a Methodist presence in Guelph from the early years, with the present site granted to the denomination in 1837. Lakeside Church uses the church these days, and the property is also home to Hope House, a social services organization.

This is Knox Presbyterian Church. It is a result of a split with St. Andrew's and was founded in 1844.

Here we have St. George's Anglican Church. The parish dates back to 1832, while this church, the third, was finished in 1873.

Another view of the church is taken from the nearby pedestrian bridge that crosses the Speed River here. Tomorrow I have another church in the area.


  1. Beautiful churches. I like to visit them as well.

  2. I like the red doors. We have a red front door in this house, too, sadly a dark red (we´re 14 parties and most wanted a darker one).

  3. Beautiful and impressive church buildings.

  4. ...yet another reason to visit Guelph. I'm off to St Catherine on Monday.

  5. I am guessing that your next post will feature a big Catholic church atop a drumlin.

  6. How on earth does one pronounce Guelph? Does it sound like golf? What does it rhyme with? I wonder what the membership is of these churches? Do they have plenty of members?

  7. There are a lot of churches overthere!

  8. Very pretty details, more or less modern.

  9. i really enjoy the "red door" detail ... very cool. i was raised Methodist. my Mom would say get your butt to church girl. maybe one day. but i am tired of all the silliness. any who. have a great day. looks rainy here. ( :

  10. Great buildings Spires always capture my attention.

  11. I love that pretty red door. They are all nice, but that is the church I would attend. :-)

  12. Hello, beautiful churches. I love the red doors! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  13. @Catarina: they are quite distinctive.

    @Iris: any shade of red is a good one.

    @Nancy: quite so.

    @Tom: enjoy the trip!

    @Anvilcloud: ah, you know!

    @Janis: it would be somewhat similar to twelve. Phonetically you'd say 'gwelf'.

    @Marianne: there certainly are.

    @Italiafinlandia: quite so.

    @Beth: there's not a lot of Methodist churches here, mostly because they were absorbed into the United Church back in the 20s along with the Congregationalists.

    @Marie: me too.

    @R: definitely.

    @DJan: thanks!

    @Eileen: thank you!

  14. Oh what a lot of churches like red doors there, and spires! Welcoming!

  15. Fascinating churches and love the red door ~ great shots!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. It looks like these buildings have been well looked after even if their not used for worship anymore.

  17. So many beautiful old churches.

  18. A beautiful collection, William !
    They are very different from ours.

  19. These are stunning. Churches in my area are quite plain.

  20. Gosh that's quite a collection of churches William, looove the red doors they make quite a statement.. would have been perfect for the red theme 😉

  21. I love the red doors, too, and I like the wooden ceiling in that second picture.

  22. Quite a nice collection. I love your upward tower shot!!!

  23. A grand tour of beautiful buildings. Tweeted.

  24. You have photographed some lovely churches.

  25. I love those red door shots, William!

  26. @Barbara: they stand out.

    @Carol: thank you!

    @Red: oh, each of these is still used for worship.

    @Happyone: there is definitely quite a lot.

    @Marleen: that they are.

    @Karl: a lot of 19th century churches tend to lean towards the Gothic. The first one feels more like mid-20th century in terms of architecture.

    @Michelle: they were built to last.

    @Grace: I could have, but my Red theme post has already been ready for some time!

    @Catalyst: I like it too.

    @Maywyn: most definitely.

    @Cloudia: thank you!

    @Mari: thanks.

    @Denise: indeed.

    @RedPat: thanks!

  27. I love the architecture of them. People have been repurposing them like mad, though.

  28. Lovely churches. It looks like red doors are becoming a thing?

  29. An abundance of tall steeples and red doors.

  30. It has been fun seeing your photos of Guelph. My father was a veterinarian and went to veterinary college in Guelph in the late 1930s. I have never been there myself, but I have been thinking that I might take a trip up there sometime in the coming years.

  31. The catholic churches are the most sumtuous once ! Instead of feeding the population they built thes big things. Of course the architecture is precious, but I don't like the story behind building churches !

  32. Quite impressive seeing all those churches.

  33. All beautiful with some similarities but all different too. And lovely.

  34. Lovely photographs of all of these Churches, William … and that red door really stands out.

    All the best Jan

  35. @Jennifer: that's true.

    @Kay: possibly.

    @Joanne: indeed.

    @Jack: it's a good place.

    @Joan: definitely.

  36. @Gattina: Catholics back in the day built big.

    @Bill: they do stand out.

    @Klara: definitely.

    @Jeanie: I agree.

    @Jan: it does.

    @Klara: thanks.
