Thursday, August 15, 2019

Speed River

Most of my time away in July was spent in Guelph, staying with my father. Guelph is a city to the west of Toronto. It is both the county seat of Wellington County, but politically independent of the county, if that makes any sense. Settlement here started in the 1820s by the Scottish businessman and writer John Galt (no relation to the character created by that pretentious whackjob Ayn Rand), who is considered the city founder. 

Riverside Park lies along the shores of the Speed River, which passes through the city on its way to its confluence with the Grand River in Cambridge. It encompasses eighty acres of land, and includes a bandstand as seen here.

The shoreline of the Speed River is being allowed to naturalize. Ducks and geese swim here this time of year.

A pedestrian bridge crosses the river. This view looks upstream.

And this looks downstream.

Here we have a view of the bridge and the spillway.

The path continues through the park.

There is a Dutch style windmill placed here along the river. Tomorrow I'll show you another spot in Riverside Park.


  1. Looks like you had a peacful time-out with your Father.

  2. I have birded in Guelph a dew times, both at Riverside Park and at the Arboretum. The old area around the university is quite grand.

  3. My brother-in-law (husband of my late sister) lives in Guelph so interesting for me to see.

  4. Pretty views of the river. The windmill is cool. Wishing you a happy day!

  5. Riverside Park is lovely, as is the old windmill. Super spot for the ducks and geese ✨

  6. ...this looks like another place to put on my to see list!

  7. Nice place. I like the windmill, as well as the geese. :-)

  8. @Catarina: so do I.

    @Iris: I did, yes.

    @David: I'll have some shots from the university coming.

    @Joan: it's a pretty city.

    @Italiafinlandia: quite so.

    @Eileen: thank you!

    @Grace: I agree.

    @Tom: you should!

    @Marie: definitely.

    @DJan: so do I.

  9. The Speed looks pretty tame for its name. I liked seeing the park and windmill...which is not working apparently, just for looks?

  10. I've only been there a few times but remember it as being a pretty town.

  11. The speed river and Guelph are very attractive places. Guelph is even well known here in the west. I think there must have been some famous hockey players from Guelph!!!

  12. It's a beautiful park and I love that windmill.

  13. @Barbara: I imagine it's named for someone named Speed, but I haven't found information. As to the windmill, I know when my father wasn't specifically letting the blades turn, he would keep them chained in place for safety's sake. I expect the same applies for this one- the blades likely turn, but only when someone with access is in proximity.

    @RedPat: it certainly is.

    @Red: they have a good minor league hockey team.

    @Denise: that it is.

    @Sharon: so do I.

  14. Beautiful photos. I love that windmill!

  15. Guelph is where I went to uni. I would have been happy to work there too, but alas ...
    It's a lovely city.

  16. One can feel and enjoy nature and sanity in your photos. Thank you

  17. A lovely walk to the river. So peaceful and nice to see the ducks swimming in the river. I like the windmill.

  18. I visited Guelph a few times for various reasons, but never really had a chance to look around. I had no idea about the name of the river. It doesn't live up to it's name!

  19. i enjoy the windmill pics. so cool! very neat. ( ;

  20. Looks a lovely area. I like the windmills.

  21. What a beautiful place to explore. I love the windmills.

  22. @Tamago: thanks!

    @Anvilcloud: I have a couple of posts coming up from your alma mater.

    @Cloudia: you're welcome.

    @Nancy: so do I.

    @Shammickite: at least here the river seems tranquil.

    @Beth: thanks!

    @Jenny: it is.

    @Bill: I enjoyed it.

  23. Your father lives in a lovely location.

  24. Beautiful place to go walking.

  25. Lovely nature shots ~ so idyllic ~ love the geese ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Some lovely, lovely, scenes, to be sure.

  27. I saw the windmill chains in the picture. Good to read a little more about them in the comments.

  28. Looks like a lovely place to walk. Does the windmill serve any purpose or is it merely decorative?

  29. I like the windmill! I haven't been to Guelph in ages. I hope you had a good time.

  30. A lovely place, I like the windmill:)

  31. I've been BY Guelph loads of times on the highway but never IN it. So thanks for showing me this part of Canada!

  32. @Rosemary: it's a good area.

    @Happyone: definitely.

    @Carol: I do like geese.

    @Revrunner: definitely.

    @Joanne: they are needed.

    @Beatrice: purely decorative.

  33. @Kay: definitely.

    @Gattina: indeed.

    @Jennifer: I haven't been back since before Covid.

    @Rosie: I do as well.

    @Jeanie: it's a good town.

    @Klara: that it is.
