Wednesday, January 1, 2025

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Best Of The Year

 The first day of the month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo,  and as always, January is the best of the year. Check out other favourites right here. I am dividing this up into three posts by area.

I start today in Ottawa, and with a picture taken in late 2023 but not posted until January. I attended a screening of the original Star Wars at Lansdowne Park, with the music performed by a live orchestra. Cosplayers were around as well.

Winterlude is the big winter festival here in February, and it includes ice sculptures.

I had a chance during Winterlude to get out on the ice of the Rideau Canal.

Another ice sculpture.

Another big festival here is the Tulip Festival, and these shots were taken in Commissioners Park at Dow's Lake.

This one was in Major's Hill Park.

I paid a visit to the National Gallery of Canada as well. This is The Red Maple, by A.Y. Jackson of the Group of Seven.

Upstairs in the world art section is Dancer, by Antonio Canova, a marble sculpture that's life like and playful. My favourite sculpture in the area.

This kitty is near to home for me, and in warmer weather can occasionally be found outside.

I attended Comiccon in September, and ran into cinema's most foul mouthed character.

In October, alerted by a Facebook post, I headed out to Lansdowne Park to capture the aurora borealis.

On another October day, something very unusual in the skies over Lansdowne- these magnificent clouds, known as asperitas clouds. I'd never seen anything like it.

Today I finish with an autumn view in the city. Tomorrow we cross into Gatineau.


  1. Happy New Year!
    Salty Pumpkin

    1. Thank you. I ended the year by falling on ice and bashing my knee.

  2. Amazing series of photos, Happy New Year 2025, Greetings

  3. You are a talented photographer. Happy New Year from TilburgDailyPhoto

  4. Great collection of photos. Happy New Year, I wish you and yours all the best in 2025!

  5. Beautiful selection of lovely photos through the year!

  6. best pic of the year award goes to "the wolves"

  7. All good wishes for 2025. Loved seeing your review of the year.

  8. ...William, I wish you an equally beautiful year. I'm looking forward to seeing the ice sculptures and tulips!

  9. My favorites are the ice sculpture and tulips. How's that for opposites.

  10. Lovely series of photos reflecting 2024 ~ thanks,

    Happy New Year ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. William, you have had a great year with your camera. Keep up the good work, and have a happy new year.
