Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mountain Climbers

 I carry on with another display, this one featuring thinhorn sheep. These animals, along with other mountain sheep and goats, are superb climbers. This one depicts them in their element.

A number of specimens belong to the same mammal family, mustelidae. They are displayed together, and feature animals like weasels, minks, martens, river and sea otters, and the badger and wolverine.

The wolverine has an unfair bad reputation as a vicious animal, and has also been hampered by having its name shared by a drunken hobbit in Marvel Comics. It is a strong and formidable animal, more complicated than its reputation.

Here we have a Richardson's Ground Squirrel descending into its burrow. We'll carry on here tomorrow.


  1. The thinhorn sheep photos are a delight to view!

  2. Another great exhibit, I always love to see the animals. The sheep are favorites. Happy weekend to you!

  3. The way those sheep climb is amazing.

  4. The Bighorn Sheep climb amazingly steep mountains, and never seem to slip or put a foot wrong.

  5. I imagine at night all those animals come to life like in Night at the Museum, that Ben Stiller movie.

  6. The sheep are experts climbing the mountains.

  7. The thinhorn sheep are beautiful animals ! The little once are cute ! They look rather innocent then dangerous ! I had difficulties to find your profile, there was written that the blog didn't exist, today it existed again ! Strange.

  8. I don't know how goats and sheep climb so high, I've seen photos where they are high up on cliff faces.

  9. Interesting museum. And your photos tell a lot.

  10. Love the 'climbers' ~ great photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Loved 'the climbers'
    Lots to see in this museum.

    All the best Jan

  12. Thank you for this amazing critter post, and your blog header photo is great!
