Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Mammals Of The Country

 I start today with another shot of Gaia.

The next gallery is the Mammal Gallery, which starts with a polar bear and cub stalking a seal.

An Arctic fox can be found nearby.

As is the case elsewhere, displays go into detail about the challenges mammals face, and how they adapt to them.

Dioramas tend to be the rule here, with specimens in the foreground and a painted background. This one features beavers.

Camouflage is essential for many mammals.

This display looks at the two very different species in the next diorama- the grizzly and the pika.

Two bears are perched on a cliff. Below them and just out of site below a ledge is a tiny pika.


  1. They have very impressive exhibits here, thanks for sharing them.

  2. Great exhibit, I love the bears! Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...the beavers are North America's engineers!

  4. Animal dioramas are probably one of my favorite things in museums. This is lovely.

  5. The dioramas look great, William.

  6. The last diorama reminds me of backpacking in the Rockies. You would find as much as an acre turned over by grizzlies looking for food.

  7. The dioramas are amazing, very nice.

  8. Interesting shots. They did an impressive job of depicting water and animals in it.

  9. Always best go see bears in a museum exhibit rather than up close in nature.

  10. Great mammals exhibit and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Well done displays and photos
    There are beavers in our county. They are a treat to see. In winter I could stand on the shore and hear movement under the ice. It was weird.

    1. I have seen dams and lodges, but not the animals themselves.
