Sunday, December 1, 2024

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Slow

 The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For December, that theme is Slow. Check out how others are interpreting the theme right here.

I took my shots in the second half of August. I was passing by Lansdowne Park, where a CFL game had just started between the B.C. Lions and the Ottawa RedBlacks. The home team won this particular game. With general rush hour traffic and the influx of traffic into the site, it's a guarantee that traffic will be slow. It would have even been slower a half hour or so earlier, but most people were inside the stadium by this point. I've seen conditions where before gates are opened that you can walk faster than vehicles can move.

Nonetheless, it's slow conditions for vehicles on Bank Street.

And up the street at the time was this construction project creating a trench at this intersection, reducing what's a major street to two lanes.

Directly ahead at left is Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, which I've featured from time to time.

This old car looks well cared for.

City buses, which can almost be guaranteed to be slow, late, out of service, or packed solid. I'm not a fan of OC Transpo, and personally think that every member of city council and the entire management of the organization deserves a swift kick in the butt.

St. Giles Presbyterian Church is seen here, in the north half of the neighbourhood. From here I headed west, with the traffic getting lighter on Bank.

Lastly, this was taken yesterday at Lansdowne. This cycle vehicle is used for pub crawling around the Glebe, mostly in warmer weather, and cycled by people who have been drinking. It slows traffic considerably. I remember this one night filled with a bridal party all singing Shania Twain's Man, I Feel Like A Woman. Badly, and drunkenly.


  1. Gosh it was fun visiting slow August for a few moments. Thank you for these beautiful golden pictures William. Aloha

  2. I don't like traffic jams, it's not often they happen here cos we live in a small town.

  3. Nice to see some of the Ottawa traffic at a slow moment.

  4. Hello,
    Great photos for the theme. I do not like driving in big cities, especially during rush hour.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a wonderful week ahead!

  5. ...slow and easy is the way to go!

  6. Hello..

    This cycle vehicle looks very fun to ride with family and friends...

  7. I completely avoid heavy traffic. I hate the lane changers.

  8. You had the same idea as I did for slow, William. Better to walk than drive if you can.

  9. Lovely series of city photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Heavy traffic is a pain. Your story in the last paragraph made me laugh.
