Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Waging A Global War

A reminder to members of City Daily Photo: the theme for August 1st is Music.

I went into the permanent galleries at the War Museum. They start out with conflict between First Nations peoples and start moving forward in time, placing Canadian military conflict in context with events around the world. This time I started photographing with the Second World War.

The section opens up with an examination of the world's unfolding status during the 1930s. This includes a Mercedes Benz limo, one of several used by Hitler. It was captured by Americans in 1945 and came into Canadian hands some years later.

This is a scale model of U-190, a German sub that surrendered to the Canadian navy at war's end.

One of the techniques the Japanese used against the Allies was the launching of balloon bombs over the Pacific, thousands of them sent with the winds towards North America to spread panic and start forest fires. Three hundred of those made the full crossing, with eighty of them in Canada.

This is a depth charge, used by Allied surface ships to combat submarines. They would sink to pre-set depths and detonate, with the objective of destroying subs by the shock waves.

A scale model is here. H.M.C.S. Swansea was a Canadian frigate used in the hunt for German u-boats.

A section about the home front features a series of posters of the time.

The section moves forward, including a fighter plane suspended above the gallery in an area dealing with the air war in Europe.

The Normandy Campaign is a large part of this section, and here one will find a doorway stepping out onto the terrace overlooking the Lebreton Gallery, where military equipment from multiple countries are exhibited. That is actually the final area of a tour one makes, and we'll be down there before I'm done.

Here the Normandy Campaign is examined, from D-Day to the Falaise Gap, before moving onto the final phases of the war.

The section ends with the conclusion of the war. Photographs of war's end and its aftermath dominate the walls, and items here include a captured Nazi flag and a roof tile from a building at Hiroshima.


  1. A worthwhile exhibit but a sad reminder of warfare.

  2. That is a lot to look at and think about. I have always liked the posters but not the war

  3. ...a display that is never ending!

  4. Was never one for war museum, but your photo make it look like a place I'd visit.

  5. War is sad but interesting to see the exhibits.

  6. Excellent exhibition William, let's hope future generations won't be looking at WW3 exhibitions ✨

  7. @Linda: true.

    @MB: every once in awhile there was a justifiable war, and World War Two is one.

    @Tom: that's true.

    @Pat: this museum is not about celebration, so much as commemoration.

    @Francisco: thank you.

    @Nancy: it is.

    @Grace: these days you wonder.

  8. Hello, it is an interesting exhibit. I did not know about balloon bombs. Enjoy your day!

  9. I'm not sure I need to see this exhibit, since it seems we need to move away from war and not into it. Although perhaps it helps to see what men have done in earlier times.

  10. A sad, horrifying monument.

    "a Mercedes Benz limo, one of several used by Hitler."

    Well, that's creepy.

    I did not know about the balloon bombs. Did they start any fires?

  11. I've never heard of those balloon bombs either. Scary stuff.

  12. I personally don't like wars...but there are some enthusiasts...especially with WWII and here in the states or Civil War.

  13. The more we get to know about WW II the better. It has to be related to today so that we will not make the same mistakes.

  14. @Eileen: it's quite an ingenious form of destructive technology, though it does largely depend on the chance of wind direction.

    @Janis: some more so than others!

    @DJan: I do think we need to learn from it.

    @Sandi: American and Canadian fire crews tend to be very good at putting down fires, so the odd one of these they actually started got put down pretty quick.

    @RedPat: definitely scary.

    @Janey: we have some re-enacting groups here too.

    @Red: we seem to be moving back in that direction.

  15. I'm so afraid that the world's unfolding status now is very much like it was in the 1930's. That is such a scary thought but it certainly looks that way.

  16. Wall is Hell! ~ Would be nice if we learned from history ~ photos well composed of the museum and great explanations!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. One of those balloon bombs killed a young family in southern Oregon. A sad reminder of man's brutality.

  18. I think I would be very intrigued by this museum, especially the WWII section. Thanks for introducing it to me.

  19. Bill's right about the family killed in Oregon. I believe they were the only fatalities from the balloon bombs. What I find particularly interesting about WWII is how devastatingly unprepared the U.S. was before we were drawn into it. Roosevelt had to face very entrenched isolationists.

  20. @Sharon: it is frightening.

    @Carol: too often we don't learn.

    @Bill: it was a horrendous war.

    @Jeanie: you're welcome.

    @Kay: and now we've got a president who seems to be reveling in isolating his country from all of its allies.

  21. An interesting post. Would like to see this museum. Maybe one day I'll get to.

  22. Replies
    1. Too bad it was owned by the most evil man to ever walk the earth.

  23. I don't wanna wars anymore, but the cars as above, yes, I do.
