Monday, February 18, 2019

A Playground

Over on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, the city of Gatineau also hosts Winterlude activities. The main site here is Jacques Cartier Park, along the shore of the river. A large portion of the park is turned into a winter playground. At one of the entrances into the park stands a large sculpture of the legendary Montreal Canadiens hockey player Maurice "Rocket" Richard. With the angle of the statue's stance, the bulk of the weight is distributed through one skated foot and the stick. The sculptor had to plan this out carefully.

The park includes giant mounds of snow that form the basis for slides, along with sculptures and activity areas for beginners on skis. On weekends, a zipline is in use (I came on a weekday for less crowds and better chances at photography, so it wasn't open during this visit). This is one of the two mounds, with people in it for scale. The Ottawa shoreline is visible in the background.

There was a woodworker here last year as well, and I imagine this was the same one. While the man himself wasn't present, some of his works were to be seen.

Heading along the mound towards its lower end, I took shots of the Ottawa skyline, with Parliament, the Alexandra Bridge, and Nepean Point among the landmarks along the frozen river.

A smaller height of snow had been built up at the bottom end of the slide runs, where slide tubes are provided. This was advantageous for the photographer, or for parents watching their kids come down. The Canadian Museum of History, with its familiar curved architecture, can be seen in the background at the left in these shots, as well as tomorrow's post, where I'll pick up with more of this.


  1. ...a playground, a winter playground. Is it true that Canadians are born with skates on?

  2. There's no shortage of things to do during Winterlude, is there? No wonder you enjoy winter, William!

  3. wow, a snow paradise within city limits. I love it!

  4. Those snow mounds are for beginners, wow it looks a bit scary, but then I've only tried skiing once without much success. I'm a summer girl for sure, even though I love snow photos :)

  5. Wow you have so much snow overthere!

  6. Hello, the wood carvings are lovely. I have been snow tubing , it was fun! Wishing you a happy day and new week ahead.

  7. Shows what can be done when there is enough snow to play with.

  8. I think that at one point there were two religions in Québec, Catholicism and Rocket Richard. Richard was clearly No. 1.

  9. That looks like a great hill for the kiddies ... and others too maybe.

  10. There is a stark beauty in this place, but do you ever wish for palm trees? :)

  11. After seeing all your snow I will not complain too much about ours!

  12. Very much a winter scene. I really like those carvings, too. :-)

  13. Glad to see the playful side of all the snow! Beautiful and full of opportunities to slide!

  14. @Tom: and maple syrup in the veins.

    @Kay: I love it.

    @Peter: definitely.

    @John: that it is.

    @Italiafinlandia: you're welcome.

    @Klara: so do I.

    @Sami: I love winter.

    @Marianne: yes we do.

    @Eileen: thank you.

    @Joan: quite true.

    @Francisco: thanks!

    @David: that sums it up.

    @Anvilcloud: I've done it.

    @Sandi: never!

    @Jeanie: I love ours.

    @DJan: I did too.

    @Barbara: that it is.

  15. So much fun William.. I can why you love the snow so much ✨

  16. You're having lots of fun. If it wasn't so cold I would get some of our
    Canada winter games views

  17. Looks like lots of winter fun. :)

  18. That first snow mound is pretty steep but that second one looks perfect.

  19. Wonderful sculpture of hockey player and delightful and creative wood sculptures too ~ Lots of delightful winter activity photos

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. what fun, i bet it is great exercise. ( ;

  21. The “slide” actually looks so fun ....we used to go to the mountains to sled and later took our kids ...have never lived where there was that much right in town!

  22. These activities remind me of my childhood. LOVE it!

  23. @Grace: snow is the best weather.

    @Red: if you get a chance, do so.

    @happyone: lots of fun.

    @Sharon: it's the same mound- front and back views.

    @Carol: thank you!

    @Beth: definitely.

    @RedPat: it is.

    @Lady Fi: thanks!

    @Revrunner: snow is a good thing!

    @Sallie: I remember sledding in the town near where I grew up.

    @Bill: indeed!

    @Maywyn: who can resist?

    @Michelle: I do too.

  24. I was just about to ask if you're not sick of all that snow, but guess no then ;-)
    Reckon, too, you know how to drive in it. In my part of Germany snow is rather seldom and most panic when they have to drive.

  25. Those woodworks look great. I love the birds!
    I’d like to try the looks so much fun :-)

  26. Those wood sculptures are so beautifully carved...But the creative sculpture in the first image is absolutely stunning...

  27. The hockey player looks extra great in the snow.
    I love your snowy landscapes.

  28. We didn't even ride on sleigh this year :-(

  29. I have enjoyed catching up on your posts today, thanks William.

  30. Do you wear long undies for this?????!!!!! BBBbbbrrrrrr

  31. Goodness just look at the angle of the statue's stance! Amazing sculpture.

    All the best Jan

  32. @Iris: I love the snow.

    @Tamago: I've been down it before.

    @Gemma: thank you.

    @Marie: definitely.

    @Jan: thanks!

    @Klara: whilst I just don't have a sleigh.

    @Denise: you're welcome.

    @Jennifer: I don't.

    @Jan: I agree.
