Wednesday, May 1, 2019

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Purple

The beginning of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For the first of May, we continue this year's colour theme with Purple. You can see how others are interpreting the theme right here.

I'm starting with Winterlude, our annual February celebration of the best season of all. Ice sculptures are a big part of that, and are lit up by shifting coloured lights at night. I photographed the carvers at work, and purple light illuminated these works. The sculptures were housed this year in the Byward Market downtown.

Taken nearby, this is one of those accidental shots taken while walking that we all do. And yet the purple tone of the shot kept me from deleting it.

I was on my way to this. The European Union has a diplomatic presence here in Ottawa, and each year tends to sponsor an ice sculpture. This is in one of the courtyards of the Market, and features a number of items embedded into the ice from across Europe.

It was in the same courtyard as this display, tied to First Nations peoples. The purple lighting on the walls suited the theme.

Winterlude extends to the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, and here in Gatineau's Jacques Cartier Park, where I visited the winter playground, some of the regular play equipment was also out and about. That included this purple dinosaur, fortunately far less obnoxious than Barney.

Back to the Byward Market. A light display was on during Winterlude that had these lights triggered by wind chimes, dancing and shifting colours. I caught them at a moment when purple was highlighted.

Here we have a finished ice sculpture in purple light.

In early April I paid a visit to the Canadian Museum of Nature, a series that I'm presently in the midst of here at the photoblog. On the top floor, in what's called the Arctic Gallery, a group of slabs of ice are found, with images projected onto them. I caught them bathed in a soft violet light.

One day in mid-April, I was up at Richmond Landing to get some photography in. I passed through a pedestrian underpass on leaving. There are two of these here, both containing replica works by First Nations artists. This one also suited the theme. We Are Resilient is the title of this work by Cree artist Tara-Lynn Kozma-Perrin. I decided a close up of the colours would be in order.

I photographed this on the Easter weekend in the Glebe. Outside Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, planters had been arranged with flowers, including some purple, and draped with ribbons that included purple, entirely appropriate for the Easter season.

And I finish with a T-shirt, taken as a selfie while I was wearing it. This Batman among the stars design features purple highlights. I picked up the shirt from a vendor last year during ComicCon here. That's coming up from May 10th-12th, a reminder to those in the Ottawa area. I'll see if I can down there.


  1. That is a cute purple dinosaur. Have a happy day.

  2. Yes, these accidental shots can be very surprising. I like your purple collection!

  3. I love ice sculptures, we have each year one exhibition in Belgium ! sometimes real Masterpieces which helas don't last !

  4. That’s a nice collection of purples with a lot variation.

  5. Those are very pretty ice-sculptures.

  6. A very nice purple collection, William !

  7. ...I a few week the purple lilacs will be in bloom, I can't wait.

  8. Lots of purple. That dinosaur is so cute! What is your favorite color?

    Janis GDP

  9. like the dino and Batman .. so cool!! what fun. ( ;

  10. I enjoyed this theme and probably the accidental photo as much as any.

  11. Lots of purple here. I love the purple light in the ice.

  12. @Nancy: I'm sure that dinosaur gets lots of use.

    @Marleen: thank you!

    @Gattina: they're a joy to see while they last.

    @Italiafinlandia: thanks!

    @Jan: quite varied indeed.

    @Marianne: that they are.

    @Karl: thank you.

    @Tom: and the tulips are coming too. Hopefully soon!

    @Janis: given that 90 percent of my wardrobe is that colour... black.

    @Beth: thank you!

    @Anvilcloud: sometimes an accidental photo becomes quite artistic.

    @Francisco: thank you.

    @Joan: so did I.

  13. Purples of all sorts today. I especially like the ice sculptures. And the selfie t-shirt picture. :-)

  14. Nice collection of purple photos. The ice-sculptures are wonderful.

  15. Nice sculptures. That Batman is quite impressive!
    : )

  16. That is a lot of purple! Good post, William.

  17. Have a good time capturing the costumes ! Lots of posing probably! Can't wait to see them. Your batman is just right!

  18. Wonderful and diverse series of purple shots William, purple ice is nice 😊

  19. That's a big challenge. I'm surprised you found so much purple.

  20. @DJan: thanks!

    @Sami: thank you.

    @Catarina: it's a terrific shirt design.

    @RedPat: thank you.

    @Barbara: I really do have to get down there. I'd like to grab a couple more t-shirts, some art, and take a few shots along the way.

    @Grace: purple ice was quite plentiful.

    @Red: when you start looking for colours, they're not hard to find!

  21. That purple dinosaur is my favorite.

  22. The purple ice sculptures are all beautiful! And then there's Barney -- ha ha! Not so lovely...

  23. The ice is magnificent!

    The purple dinosaur made me smile,



    A nice visit today.

  24. Purple has become one of my favourite colours!

  25. Beautiful photos! I love ice sculptures in purple!

  26. What a great collection of purples. The dinosaur is my favourite.

  27. @Sharon: I figured he'd be popular.

    @Sharon: thank you!

    @Sandi: the dark knight himself!

    @Marie: I'm admittedly preferring black.

    @Tamago: they come out well when illuminated.

    @Mike: a whole lot!

    @Vicki: definitely.

    @Bill: thank you!

  28. You found a lot of purple choices, all them good. Just to be a contrarian, let me give you a challenge for next month: one choice only. Think you can do it?

  29. Marvelous takes for the theme!

  30. Purple is one of my favorite colours. (I spelled it that way for you, William.) Also orange, which probably clashes with purple.

  31. William - a fine collection of purple items. The Batman t-shirt is by far my favorite of the bunch!

  32. Great post! I love purple; it is so vibrant. Batman looks really cool, and the dinosaur is delightful.

  33. @Kay: I think I already have four in place for next month, and I was planning on adding tulips as well, since I'm sure I'll have no shortage of pinks.

    @Magiceye: thank you.

    @Catalyst: that's the proper way to spell it!

    @Angie: it's a good T-shirt.

    @Linda: thank you.

  34. Marvelous photo interpretations of the color purple ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  35. What a fabulous purple selection here.
    I did enjoy seeing the purple dinosaur, it's quite cute!

    All the best Jan
