Monday, July 1, 2019

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Blue

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!

The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo, and for July that theme is Blue. You can see how other members of the group are interpreting the theme right here.

For my own take, I'm starting with Winterlude. A sculptor was at work at carving ice in this shot, with blue lights illuminating things.

Jacques Cartier Park over on the Gatineau side of the river is turned into a massive winter playground, with mounds of snow erected for slides. Along the back of one of those, a carving was made into the snow. It tends to look blue on a cloudy day such as was the case with my visit in February.

The same effect had taken hold on my way back into Ottawa. I paused at the Alexandra Bridge to photograph Parliament Hill over the Ottawa River.

More of that blue light and ice sculptures.

The light does shift and change- in this case it's transitioning from blue into purple.

This view is from the latter half of March. I was standing on the Bank Street Bridge where it crosses over the Rideau Canal, and the last light of day fit the theme nicely.

A few weeks makes a considerable difference. Here we saw things as they were on the evening of April 10th, with the ice on the Canal breaking up.

Here we have another one of those utility boxes redone in a fashion style. I've shown you some in previous colour theme days. This is downtown, in a portion of the city that's designed the Arts, Fashion, And Theatre district. Numerous utility boxes can be found like this one.

One day in early June I was up around Richmond Landing for some photography. Coming back I took one of a couple of pedestrian underpasses, where reproductions of First Nations art can be found on the walls. The blue of this mural seemed appropriate for the theme. Ommatik is the title, and in English it translates to Heart. It is by an Inuit artist, Glenn Gear.

Not far from where I live is a wall where graffiti is allowed. I dislike graffiti, but this did catch my eye, and feels like a full transition to street art as opposed to the visual clutter of graffiti. The different shades of blue nicely offset the pink, and the rather dark elements of the background images.


  1. My absolute favorite is the utility box!
    Happy Canada Day!

  2. Excellent selection for the blue theme William, the last mural is beautifully done. Love the ice sculptures under the blue light 💙

  3. Never thought I'd live to see a glamorous utility box! The ice sculptures never fail to impress.

  4. Happy Canada day William.
    Nice variety of pics with blue, specially love the murals and the night pictures of the river.

  5. Esculturas em gelo muito interessantes, aproveito para desejar um excelente mês de Julho.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  6. Happy Canada Day! Lovely selections for the blue theme.

  7. enjoy your Canada Day. i really enjoy the art piece at the end ... so cool. ( ;

  8. The sky scenes are my favourites!

  9. Happy Canada Day, William.
    This is a nice collection of blues. The last one is my favorite. I don't like most of the 'wild graffiti', but I love murals like this one.

  10. ...William, I never thought of Ottawa as a place for murals, I guess that I was wrong!

  11. @Iris: there are a number of those boxes like that.

    @Grace: thank you.

    @John: I agree.

    @Sami: thanks!

    @Francisco: thank you.

    @Marianne: thank you.

    @Nancy: thanks!

    @Beth: I did too.

    @Maywyn: thank you.

    @Marie: they stand out.

    @Jan: me too.

    @Tom: we have many.

  12. Wonderful shades of blue. Happy Canada Day! :-)

  13. Happy Canada Day, William!
    Great pictures... as usual!

  14. The blue light ice sculptures are awesome

    I cannot link up with CDP today

  15. The ice sculptures are wonderful in the blue light, William!

  16. You shouldn't feel BLUE on Canada Day! Have a happy day celebrating the best country in the world!

  17. Great series of photos on blue!

  18. I love that utility box! Very nicely done. Happy Canada Day!

  19. Happy Canada glad you all united all together all those years ago! At least you didn't have a revolution in order to do so! Loved the transition from winter to spring!

  20. I really like the blue and white mural in the underpass.

  21. Happy Canada Day, William. Nice collection of blue, the ice sculptures are my favorite.

  22. Happy Canada to all my Canadian friends! Quite a melange of sites. Tweeted.

  23. The blue lights certainly make the ice glow. Happy Canada Day!

  24. The snow sculpture in blue is nicely captured.

  25. Happy Canada Day! You've found some nice blues here.

  26. I enjoyed your theme day selections. Hope you had a nice day for Canada Day. Have a good week.

  27. @DJan: thanks!

    @Catarina: thank you.

    @MB: hopefully you got in. I still have to link mine.

    @RedPat: that they were.

    @Shammickite: red would have been more appropriate for Canada Day!

    @Red: thank you!

    @Sharon: thanks!

    @Barbara: thank you.

    @Marleen: so do I.

    @Bill: they stand out.

    @Mari: thank you.

    @Italiafinlandia: thanks!

    @Janey: that it does.

    @Joanne: thanks!

    @Kay: I did.

    @Linda: I had a good day.

  28. Hope you had a great Canadian Day and lovely 'blue theme' photos ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Belated Canada Day wishes. What a great subject for the blue theme!

  30. You certainly picked some wonderful photos for the theme!

  31. This is such an excellent selection for the blue theme.

    All the best Jan

  32. @Carol: thanks!

    @Jeanie: thank you.

    @Lois: I went for quite a bit.

    @Vicki: thanks!

    @Jan: thank you.
