Thursday, June 6, 2024

Colours In The Heart Of The City

Confederation Square is the very heart of Ottawa, where the National War Memorial is surrounded by landmarks like The Chambers, Parliament Hill, the Chateau Laurier, and the National Arts Centre. I paid a visit late one day to photograph the tulips around the place.

Planters are found on the grounds of the Memorial, as well as adjacent sidewalks.

There are also flowerbeds lining around the Memorial perimeter, with tulips growing.

Off to the west side of the Memorial, I took this shot looking towards Parliament Hill.

And a bit of a walk further, a close up of tulips in a planter.


  1. Pretty views of the memorial and the tulips.
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. Such a festivity to see these tulips

  3. ...the War Memorial was well designed and the tulips add a lot of beauty..

  4. It looks lovely around the memorial!

  5. The tulips look lovely around the memorial, William.

  6. Good to see the flowers around the National War Memorial on the 80th commemoration of D-day.

  7. Beautiful. I spent many a spring day tiptoeing through the tulips of Ottawa with my young children.

  8. Wonderful colors of the city photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
