Saturday, June 1, 2024

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Outdoor Cafes

The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For June, that theme is Outdoor Cafes. See how others are interpreting this theme right here.

I begin with shots taken early in May late one afternoon along Elgin Street, where people were dining on the patio outside Deacon Brodies Pub.

Down the street, more patio dining, this at The Lieutenant's Pump, another pub.

And a bit further down, two restaurants and their outside patio area- the Elgin Beer Project and Saint Louis Bar and Grill.

The Heart and Crown has a location in Little Italy.

I passed through the Byward Market one hot day in the latter part of May. Here we have the Auld Dubliner, a two story pub.

Nearby are a series of courtyards among which are restaurants and cafes, with outdoor seating.

The Chateau Lafayette is the oldest pub in the city.

The Moulin de Provence occupies the north end of the main market building, and is a bakery and cafe with outdoor seating- and with the glass retracted out of sight, indoor seating is also outdoors.

This is The Grand, another of the Market's many restaurants.


  1. Interesting collection of beautiful outdoor cafes!

  2. ...Ottawa has so many beautiful choices.

  3. To sip wine at an outdoor café on a warm summer’s day is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

  4. They all look inviting! Makes me want to go to a cafe with a friend today!

  5. What a nice collection of outdoor cafes.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. Early May for outdoor dining is quite early for Eastern Canada.

  7. Many restaurants set up an outdoor eating area during the pandemic...our near-by city of Asheville passed a law allowing them to use several parking spaces of the street for a patio area...with different kinds of barricades. A few of them still survive.

  8. You found some fine looking outdoor cafes. Good post.

  9. You must have been out early before the crowds appeared, William.

  10. Very active area with people and good eats.

  11. A lot of nice cafes to have a drink outside.

  12. Wonderful series of photos of the outdoor cafes ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
