Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tulip Colour Along The Rideau Canal

 There's a stretch of the Rideau Canal, very close to where I was yesterday, that I like to come to each year for photographing. On the same day as yesterday's post, but late in the day, I came back, photographing a bed, with the Canal in the background.

A short walk on, more tulips, in a raised bed. They were luminous.

These are at the entrance of a restaurant along the path.

And here the path splits, going up to the Flora Bridge, a pedestrian bridge spanning the Canal. I kept to the right.

A pond is on the far side of the bridge, where I took this shot with more tulips in the foreground.


  1. The tulips are looking lovely

  2. The tulips are lovely. The last photo is pretty with the pond and reflections.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. I wonder if the canal will freeze this winter? Or is skating there just a memory?

  4. ...I find red and yellow to be a fabulous color combination.

  5. Such lovely scenes especially the last one, William.

  6. By this time I think you've found every tulip in Ottawa.

  7. The last photo is awesome and nicely composed.

  8. This feels so Dutch!

  9. Lots of pretty colours there, I could use some colour here right now.

  10. Oh so lovely ~ and must be beautiful beside the canal ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
