Monday, September 23, 2024


 Pottery came into Canada from the south 3000 years ago, changing things for tribes in the eastern woodlands.

Agriculture would dramatically change everything, making it possible to go from semi-nomadic to living in permanent villages.

Some of the tools of that trade.

Some of the products made from corn- with one exception. No, I don't have the answer.

A fascinating display looks at an Inuit man who has been given the name Nuvumiutaq. Museum archaeologists and the community of Arctic Bay collaborated on the project. Nearly eight hundred years ago, a hunter and kayaker died and was buried with his tools. Reproductions of the tools are found in this display.

And the remains were scanned, with a physical recreation being the result standing here, with clothing made by local women in the way he would have known.


  1. A fascinating history. It always amazes me that ancient peoples traded goods and ideas over such huge distances.
