Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Team Canada

Leaving the special exhibit, I came back into the long corridor that runs above the Grand Hall. At present, a number of items from the Canadian Sports Hall Of Fame are on display here. This Olympic parka from 1972 was sewn by one of twelve women in Iqaluit for the Canadian team at the Winter Olympics that year.

This ski suit belonged to Jean-Luc Brassard, who represented the country in mogul skiing in the 1990s.

Wheelchair racing gloves are seen here. They were used by Brent Lakatos in competition.

A soccer jersey belongs to Charmaine Hooper of the Canadian women's team.

And these hockey skates are from Jarome Inglina, who has won Olympic gold for the country, and played in the NHL.

This racing bike is from Clara Hughes, who has won medals at both the Summer and Winter Olympics.


  1. Great sports exhibit! Take care, have a great day!

  2. important part of Canadian society.

  3. Artefacts preserved very well for posterity.

  4. This is a good variety of very personal Olympic items. we usually just think of medals.

  5. A fine display of sports clothing. I especially enjoyed seeing the winning bicycle. I note it is a Trek with some high tech equipment.

  6. The jacket up the top looks super warm, I'm guessing you need it to be warm there.

  7. Makes me wonder how the museum was able to obtain Clara's bike.

  8. Awesome Team Canada ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
