Monday, September 16, 2024


 More looks today at Morning Star.

Looking back down at the staircase where I was at gives us a view outside.

Inscribed on a column nearby in three languages are the words of William Commanda, a highly respected chief, which are wisely said.

A look down from here really brings home the size of the Grand Hall.

The path to the Canadian History Hall is lined with images of places and activities across Canada. These are done with reflective glass with a light overlay. We start with Inuit drum dancers.

The Calgary Stampede in Alberta is a big part of that province's culture.

This is Our Lady of Victory Church in the Northwest Territories.

Maple syrup tapping is a long tradition in eastern Canada.

This is the First World War Memorial in Saskatchewan.

The Stratford Festival Theatre can be found in the town of Stratford in southern Ontario, where each summer a festival of plays by Shakespeare and others is put on, a long standing tradition.


  1. We need all leaders to take note of those words.

  2. Every culture seems to have had a William Commanda speaking similar words. All we need now is the people to listen.

  3. ...this gallery is spectacular!

  4. It is a beautiful gallery! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  5. Wonderful art in that gallery, William.

  6. that's a very interesting and different style of showing major Canadian icons.

  7. Lovely gallery and gorgeous 'morning star' macro photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. The morning star is absolutely beautiful.

  9. There's so many colours in those morning star photos.

  10. i am ready for fall (autumn) and winter time in Canada ...i will see if you have any of those lately ...sorry i don't come to visit often ... think of you often. peace be with ya. hope all is well. take care. Beth ( ;

  11. I like the colors in the first photos.

  12. An amazing looking building. The design and colors in the morning star is incredible. The message, one I will remember!

  13. The morning star is indeed a beauty!

  14. Thank you for sharing them. Such colours.

  15. Your photos of the 'Morning Star' are always beautiful.

  16. Worth a visit just to climb those stairs. :-)
