Sunday, September 1, 2024

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Bridges

The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo, and for September, that theme is Bridges. Take a look at how others are interpreting this theme right here.

I was down near the Rideau Canal on Colonel By Day in early August, and took this shot from the terrace of the Chateau Laurier. In the background is Plaza Bridge, the first of the bridges the Canal passes under on its route to Lake Ontario. 

This shot from on the bridge itself shows the Ottawa River in the distance, at the bottom of the Ottawa Locks, where canal meets river.

The underside of the bridge features graceful arches over the Canal and the adjoining walking areas.

Down at the bottom of the locks, this view over the river takes in the Museum of History on the far shore, and the Alexandra Bridge that spans the river.

Here we have the other side of Plaza Bridge, with the Chateau in the background.

On another day, I went out to the Chaudiere Falls, and took this shot of the Chaudiere Bridge, which crosses the Ottawa River just downstream of the torrent.

After my visit, I looked west and photographed the William Commanda Bridge. This pedestrian and bike bridge is a former rail bridge with a lot of history. I have never actually been on it. It spans a wide section of the river, passing over an island en route.

I proceeded on and found myself on another pedestrian bridge. I was familiar with this one, but always thought it to belong to the hydro operations around the falls, as the gate at the far end had been consistently closed. This provides an easy link between the parkland around the falls, and the Canadian War Museum, which can be seen at the end of the path.

I was on the Alexandra Bridge crossing over to Gatineau to visit the Museum of History. The bridge is in the midst of an extended rehabilitation project, and is presently only open to pedestrians and cyclists, occupying the central lanes where cars usually travel.

And lastly, I finish with the Portage Bridge. I come out here twice a month to photograph the view of the Ottawa River downstream, and from the spot where I generally take the shot, I turned and photographed this view of the bridge itself heading into Gatineau.


  1. ...Ottawa is home to fabulous bridges!

  2. Great collection of bridges! I love the river views! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  3. Interesting and beautiful captures!

  4. You have outdone yourself with bridge photos. I really love your next to last photo with all the steel structure.

    1. I hope that bridge is preserved for its structure.

  5. You have quite a collection of bridges here. : )

  6. You have so many bridges in Ottawa!

  7. It's great that they refurbish some of these old bridges instead of tearing them down.

  8. A beautiful series of bridges. Very nice!

  9. Is that a castle in one of the photos? I really like the green bridge.

  10. Wonderful photo tour of canal, its bridges and the Chateau ~ thanks

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
