Friday, September 6, 2024

The Elite Warrior Tradition

The items in this display case come from different people, but are typical of that of the bronze age warrior.

More weapons in these cases, along with a contemporary replica.

A bronze sword, axe heads, and an arm guard. The sword when you see it in person is rather small.

You can touch this contemporary replica.

The next case over, another sword, and more axe heads.

The growing elites- the chieftain-warriors and their families- liked to show off. Examples are seen in these jewel pieces.

And they would dine well, with bronze and ceramic bowls, plates, and utensils.

This is the last of the Sarasau Hoard, found in the mid-19th century, with much looted after it was discovered. These remnants belong to two national museums in Hungary and Romania.


  1. That's some amazing work, they sure were clever back then.

  2. Many similar archaeological finds in the UK are seeming to indicate that many of the more ornate items were made, not for practical purposes or even for personal prestige, but as "gifts for the gods". Also some of these items had been traded over huge distances. The society in those days seems to be far more complex and organised than we once imagined.

  3. ...mankind has been warriors from the beginning.

  4. Great display! Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

  5. How sad that metal working provided the increased lethality of weapons. Glad to see it also gave a bit of improvement to domestic or, as John said above, ritual life.

  6. Wonderful serving pieces and the hoard is great, William.

  7. Great warrior items and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. There’s still a lot of warrior worship that goes on.
