Sunday, October 27, 2024

Into Gatineau Park

 As mentioned yesterday, I took a shuttle into Gatineau Park earlier this month, to take in the fall colours. The park is a federal park, run by the National Capital Commission, and it's the NCC that organizes shuttle service out of Ottawa and Gatineau to go up into the park. It encompasses much of the Gatineau Hills, a rise of land that is a southern extension of the vast Canadian Shield. I took shots out the window of the bus as I went. Gatineau Park generally lies within the larger regional county of Les Collines-des-L'Outaouais. It was cool but sunny. I couldn't have asked for a better day to go.


  1. Does the Park look like this at any time of year or largely in autumn?

  2. Beautiful nature photos, the forest and trees are lovely.
    Take care, have a wonderful week ahead.

  3. ...a wonderful time of year to enjoy the park.

  4. Not much colour there yet when you went but still a lovely day.

  5. Every day I have to stop and take a look at your header. It's an awesome photo.

  6. Lovely fall photos showing the change of the seasons.

  7. Five hours on the bike today, up early as the forecast promised rain, got a few nice Autumn views before the rain came, biked in it for 90 minutes. Commuting would have been smarter!

  8. It is a great spot to go! I had a first date there, once, between husbands. He took me cross country skiing. He was a bit of a mad man!
