Monday, January 27, 2025

Bird Behaviour

 Continuing on where I left off yesterday, here we have an owl that has just successfully hunted in the snow.

Followed by a different bird entirely.

The display cases continue, looking at various aspects of birds.


  1. I love the owl and the bird exhibit is awesome!
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

  2. I nearly decided to buy a few good bird photography lenses a few years ago. In the end I realized that it would be too much money so it never happened.

  3. ...some of Mother Nature's finest creations.

  4. They must be close to having all Canada's birds here.

  5. Wonderful bird exhibit ~ like the first few photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~. A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. All those birds were once alive and free to fly wherever the wind took them.

  7. hey there. hope 2025 is going well for you. i was just chatting with my mom about ice skating ... we wonder if there is any where in USA that is cold enough for that. like we had ice sections in our area where the ice was right but that is not big enough for skating purposes. recent cooler temps ... lol. great header. take care. ( ;

    1. Our Canal has been open for a couple of weeks. I've been on it.

  8. I am ready to see some new birds. Or even our migrated ones. Well, maybe some goldfinches. Just to be realistic.

  9. Birds are fascinating, I never tire of watching them.

  10. Interesting display of our feathered friends.
