Thursday, January 2, 2025

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Best Of The Year

 Today I kick off my last year's favourites from the Gatineau side of the Ottawa River. I start with this view at the Canadian Museum of History, where this sculpture sits outside in a reflecting pool, frozen when I took this. It is called 'namaxsala (To Travel In A Boat Together), and is by the First Nations artist Mary Anne Barkhouse, based on a story her grandfather told of giving a wolf a ride across treacherous waters.

The large mural Morning Star, by the Dene artist Alex Janvier, dominates the ceiling in the museum, and is my favourite work of art in the national capital area.

Within the permanent galleries, St. Onuphrius, a still-consecrated Ukrainian Catholic church, always draws me in for the visit. It was moved here years ago from the Canadian west.

Winterlude took place here as well in Gatineau. Jacques Cartier Park gets turned into a big snow playground for the event. Snow sculptures are put up.

The Ice Hogs, the mascots of the event, were to be found here.

Flash forward a few months to the Tulip Festival. This bed of tulips is off the Portage Bridge as one comes into Ottawa.

While this one is at the Museum of History, and has an outstanding view across the river to Parliament Hill. Canadians will remember the last paper dollar bill before it was replaced by the loonie coin. The view of the river on that bill was taken from a photograph by Malak Karsh, who is deemed the founder of the Tulip Festival. This bed is dedicated in his memory.

Here we see them in Jacques Cartier Park.

Later on in the year, I returned for another visit to the Museum. The curves are the design of First Nations architect Douglas Cardinal, who lives in the area. This museum is considered his masterpiece.

I had come to attend an exhibit on the development of early royalty in southeastern Europe. This golden wreath was part of that exhibit.

When I was finishing my tour, I was surprised by this- a Lego reconstruction of the public wing of the Museum.

A view down to the Grand Hall. Tomorrow I'll wrap up my favourite shots of the year in the Gatineau Hills.


  1. The Morning Star is eye-catching.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Beautiful variety of photos. I love the canoe photo. The museum is beautiful. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. ...William, I wish a year full of bests of the year!

  4. Nice serie, William, the curves of the museum are wonderful..

  5. There is a lot of beauty on that side of the river, William.

  6. Awesome photos. I look forward to see what tops these phots this year.

  7. Wonderful series of 'best' photos of the year ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Morning Star is a good choice for a favorite. The wonderful architecture is also a piece of art in itself.

  9. Bellas imagenes me gusta la primera aunque las flores tambien me gustaron. Te mando un beso.
