Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gallery Perspectives

 Picking up where we left off yesterday with provincial and territorial birds, Saskatchewan has the Sharp Tailed Grouse, Yukon chose the Common Raven, and British Columbia has the Steller's Jay.

Nunavut selected the Ptarmigan, while Ontario chose the Common Loon.

Prince Edward Island features the Blue Jay, Nova Scotia chose the Osprey, and Quebec chose the Snowy Owl.

For Newfoundland and Labrador, it is the Atlantic Puffin. And for Manitoba, the Great Grey Owl.

Stepping out of the Bird Gallery and back into the Queens Lantern, I took this shot of stained glass.

I looked up for these shots.

The Lantern honours both Queen Victoria and her great-granddaughter Queen Elizabeth II, who dedicated it in 2010.

The next gallery is the Water Gallery, and its centerpiece is the skeleton of a blue whale.

All life on earth finds its origins in water. Fossils of ancient life are preserved in rock like this.

The biggest animal on the planet feasts on very tiny organisms- the blue whale has a taste for krill.


  1. I wish I would be able to photograph an owl one day.

  2. I would love to photograph a snow owl one day

  3. The museum is beautiful, love the exhibit and the stained glass! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  4. ..and I would love to see an owl in the wild some day.

  5. The puffins in Newfoundland are among my favourite birds.

  6. It's nice that we chose a loon for Ontario's bird, William.

  7. I like the idea of provincial birds but I don't know what it's all about. Why have provincial birds?

  8. I'd love to see an owl, never had but can always hope.

  9. The upward facing shots are great.

  10. I like seeing the birds and that owl. I have seen two on my farm. Always a treat.

  11. I love the birds but my two favorites here are the stained glass windows and that striking photo of the stairs!
