Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Odds And Ends At Winterlude

Picking up where I left off yesterday, here are more of the smaller ice sculptures that were along Bank Street outside businesses and restaurants.

Down in the Byward Market, aside from the ice sculptures, there was an unusual installation set up nearby during Winterlude. These light poles had shifting colours, and were activated by a windchime set up at the heart of the space. Knock around the windchimes and the colours would get to dancing about. I'll be using an additional shot from this visit for that Purple theme later in the year.

On another day during Winterlude, I photographed the snow sculpture of Joseph Montferrand close to the ice sculptures. The sculpture was standing outside the Chateau Lafayette pub, and depicts the legendary 19th century Ottawa Valley lumberman.

And for today I finish with this view of the Rideau Canal looking north from the Mackenzie King Bridge with the familiar landmarks. As of the moment, the Canal skateway remains open to skaters. Tomorrow I'll start to take you along for a walk I made along the Canal during Winterlude.


  1. ...the lights look great on a winter night in Ottawa.

  2. My goodness, you must have spent hours getting all these pictures! So thank you!

  3. There must be a lot of sculptures, as nice as they are to look at them, I think you would also like to get rid of the winter !

  4. If you still want to skate on the canal folks, better do it soon. My daughter, who lives in Ottawa, is coming for a visit. She is not unhappy to get away from an Ottawa winter for a while.

  5. Imagine waking up to look outside and see an ice sculpture wishing you a happy birthday. That would be neat.

  6. It is still so winter ther!
    The light in the evening is very beautiful!

  7. Those chimes and lights seem like such a nice addition to the festival.

  8. Surely it has to start warming up soon William.. I appreciate these images so much, it's pretty hot and humid here at the moment ✨

  9. The installation blends very well with the surroundings...

  10. @Tom: they do!

    @Linda: you're welcome.

    @Gattina: oh, I love the winter.

    @David: we'll see how long it stays open. I have no idea when March Break comes, but it might well stay open through that.

    @Maywyn: it would!

    @Ella: it is, yes.

    @Beth: and more each day.

    @Anvicloud: I liked them. I can't find the chimes in the shots, but suspect they're off to the right in the two wider views.

    @Grace: I expect the cold to stay in place through this month anyway.

    @Italiafinlandia: it does, yes.

    @Francisco: thank you!

  11. So you didn't skate and take photos on the canal? Just walked? Can't wait to see what you captured to share with us.

  12. Winter lude has to be one of he better Canadian celebrations.

  13. That second sculpture is beautiful.

  14. I like both ice and snow sculptures---very nice. And the light poles activated by the wind chimes is very clever.

  15. More amazing sculptures and such a festive time ~ brightens up your winter for sure!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. @Barbara: just walked. I've never learned how to skate.

    @Red: it is a lot of fun.

    @Sharon: I think so too.

    @MB: that it is.

    @Carol: it does!

  17. That last pic is fabulous, William!

  18. What an incredible celebration to have in winter. It gets the people out. The last shot is a nice view of the canal.
    Thank you, William.

  19. They are all fascinating, especially the snow sculpture.

  20. Outstanding snow sculptures.

  21. Spectacular ice sculpture pieces. Not sure if I told you my brother lives in Ottawa. He prefers the cooler weather, and I know Ottawa is colder than Toronto, but I'm suffering her enough as it is!

  22. I still like the ice sculptures. Tweeted.

  23. I like the detail of those small sculptures. Your last shot is very nice.

  24. The ice images give Ottawa an atmospheric appearance, but your last shot is the most beautiful for me today. I'm looking forward to that walk along the Canal.

  25. @RedPat: the irony is it's a re-posted one from early in the series; I had to add some shots in the last couple of days, as this post was unfinished, and I had two shots in my email folders taken on the bridge on the same day, one of them unpublished. This one was the one that had been previously published.

    @Bill: it is a great celebration.

    @Lois: I certainly think so.

    @Happyone: definitely!

    @Eden: I love the winter here.

    @Mari: thank you!

    @Kay: thanks!

    @Jan: I'll be taking a leisurely pace with the posts!

    @Marie: so do I. Enough so that I used it twice!

  26. Amazing those ice sculptures and they have so much detail. With the lights on them they must sparkle, which you can see some doing. The windchime was lovely too, and all your other photos. Great shots.

  27. So elaborate and delicate. I love those first ones, but they are all really wonderful. :-)

  28. Wonderful ice and snow sculptures!

  29. Hi William, catching up with you after my vacation. This potpourri of winterlude really brings home all the diversity of activities and sculptures. What an event!

  30. @Denise: thanks!

    @DJan: they are.

    @Lady Fi: indeed.

    @Klara: definitely.

    @Jeanie: thank you!
