Friday, November 15, 2019

War Memorial

During the evenings leading up to and including Remembrance Day, poppies were projected onto Centre Block, falling down the Peace Tower. This was on Remembrance Day at night. Snow was falling.

I headed over to the War Memorial. First dedicated to the dead of the Great War, it has since been dedicated to the fallen of the Second World War, the Korean War, the South African War, the Afghan War, and all those who have given their lives in military service to the country. As is often the case with Canadian war memorials, the emphasis is on mourning and commemoration.

Wreaths had been placed all around it during the national service. The snow had started in mid-afternoon, and was coating the wreaths. These are placed by the government, the Governor General, the Silver Cross Mother, the Legion, various ministries, organizations, and embassies.

While I was here, a teacher was with her class, speaking about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, lying at the base of the Memorial. Red poppies are placed on the Tomb by citizens after the ceremony each Remembrance Day as a tradition that started when the Tomb was first placed here. The snow was covering up many of those poppies.


  1. All countries should commemorate this day as Canadians do.

  2. Brilliant photos of the memorial,a great way to remember the snow adds to it. Seems quite late for students to be at a class

  3. This is really awesome. A great first pic.
    And the second, great angle and light.
    I hope standing by that Tomb made the kids think twice...

  4. Beautiful display on Remembrance Day.

  5. ... and nature cried for all who fell, with frozen tears!

  6. It's a beautiful sight with the snow falling on the wreaths.

  7. Your photo with the projection of the poppies on the tower is beautiful.

  8. The snow makes it more mournful as it is already...

  9. ...the snow only adds to the beauty!

  10. Lovely capture of the moment, snow on the wreathes is very poignant. As well as on the poppies on the tomb of the unknown. Somber occasion. Beautiful anyway.

  11. Great display on the parliament buildings, and hopefully a worthwhile field trip for that class.

  12. @Catarina: I think we get the tone right.

    @Bill: my general impression was that it was an out of town field trip.

    @Iris: it certainly always gets to me, seeing the Tomb.

    @Nancy: very much so.

    @Ella: quite well said.

    @Francisco: thank you.

    @Jan: that it is.

    @Marleen: thanks!

    @Marianne: it seems so.

    @Beth: and colder today.

    @Tom: it does, yes.

    @Barbara: I agree.

    @Anvilcloud: hopefully.

  13. Love the image of the snow covered wreaths.

  14. The snow adds such an atmosphere to everything. Wonderful pics, William.

  15. I know you like the snow but I think the snow gives a different emphasis to the wreaths. Snow makes the wreaths stand out in a different way.

  16. The projection of those poppies is beautiful as is the frosting on those wreaths. It gives them a peaceful look.

  17. That first photo is just stunning.

  18. The snow on the wreaths makes it all look even more sad

  19. Beautiful photos and a moving ceremony on Remembrance Day.
    Thank you for sharing!

  20. Those wreaths in the snow are so sad. Did you forget the Vietnam War?

  21. The first photo is absolutely beautiful.

  22. @Marie: so do I.

    @RedPat: that it does.

    @Red: I agree.

    @Sharon:it does!

    @Michelle: thanks.

    @Maywyn: definitely.

    @MB: it does, yes.

    @Alexandria: you're welcome.

    @Catalyst: Canada stayed out of the Vietnam War, and wisely so.

    @Bill: it is, yes.

  23. I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs within this post, but the picture of the snow covered wreaths just made it seem extra poignant.

    All the best Jan

  24. The snow brought a magical touch to the wreaths, a blessing from those lost perhaps.

  25. I think the snow added the perfect flavor to the wreaths, making them seem extra poignant.

  26. The poppies projected onto the memorial are lovely.

  27. The first picture is beautiful!!

  28. The photo of the projected poppies on the Peace Tower is wonderful and the snow on the wreaths looks quite beauiful:)

  29. Wonderful! Favorite are night shots!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. @Jan: it did.

    @Gemel: perhaps.

    @DJan: I agree.

    @Joanne: indeed.

    @Happyone: I think so too.

    @Rosie: definitely.

    @Carol: thank you.

    @Cloudia: indeed.
