Friday, December 29, 2023

Landmarks And Monuments

 More from Confederation Park downtown today. Along with spotlights on the ground highlighting the trees, some Christmas decoration here includes large lit balls hanging in the trees.

We caught a glimpse of it yesterday, now a better view of it today. The Lord Elgin Hotel is across from the park on the west side. Facing it is one of the park's monuments- the National Aboriginal Veterans Monument.

To the north, the National Arts Centre is seen through the trees.

The Aboriginal Veterans Monument features four warriors and five animals, done in a very impressive way. An eagle is at top, while the warriors are behind the animals that face each corner- the bear, wolf, elk, and bison.

I proceeded on. A statue of the great Canadian jazz pianist and composer Oscar Peterson stands outside the National Arts Centre, which was my ultimate destination for the evening. This is the work of Ruth Abernethy, who specializes in larger than life but approachable statues that really have a life of their own.

Onward and upward. Lights on top of the NAC drew my eye.

I was heading for the National War Memorial, which lies at the heart of Confederation Square, directly opposite the NAC.

Looking back at the NAC with its more recent glass enclosure addition, I paused to photograph the red lights, with the statue in silhouette. This is Andrew Hamilton Gault, the man who organized the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry regiment in World War One. The regiment still exists today.

Across the street, the War Memorial.

And looking in another direction, the Government Conference Centre.

I headed for the Memorial. We'll pick up here tomorrow.


  1. The glow at night really adds so much interest to the park

  2. Wonderful nighttime photos and Happy New Year!

  3. The lights lift up the heart. Beautiful photos

  4. A good series of December night shots.

  5. Great night time photos, I love the lights and the statues. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Good to see Oscar Peterson honoured in this way.

  7. Thank you. It so brightens up this dark time in many a way.

  8. Those illuminated trees are very beautiful.

  9. ...sights that I remember well.

  10. You got some really nice night shots in this group.

  11. A different perspective in looking at monuments at night. I enjoyed your colorful lit wander.

  12. I stayed at the Lord Elgin hotel for an inservice . It was classy.

  13. Beautiful night shots series of photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. The night shots are wonderful to see, very pretty.

  15. I'm glad you went out! We planned to go out in Perth, but I rather doubt that will happen...

  16. Long dark frosty winters nights do make for a magical festive vista. Something that is sadly lacking down under!

  17. I like the lanterns hanging from the trees.

  18. Lovely lights in the city park. You also found some interesting sculpture.

  19. The statue near the piano looks like they're cold. Burrr.

  20. A great collection of photographs William, I especially like the statue of Oscar Peterson.

    All the best Jan
