Friday, December 8, 2023

Operation Overlord

 We move into the next section, which examines the Normandy campaign in detail.

Before D-Day could even happen, there were enormous preparations. This included working with spies, resistance groups, and operatives throughout occupied Europe, especially France, to pave the way for the invasion. Some tools of the spy are found here.

D-Day would be a combined assault, using army, navy, and air assets together. It would be the biggest seaborne invasion in history.

The post orders of General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, are overhead the entrance. He would later write his memoirs, Crusade In Europe, a compelling read. Inside, footage of the D-Day landings are projected.

Allied forces landed at five beaches on the Normandy coast on June 6th, 1944. Omaha and Utah were taken by the Americans. Sword and Gold were taken by the British. And the Canadians landed at Juno Beach.

Two extraordinary paintings are exhibited together, one showing that day from the air, Invasion Pattern Normandy. It is by Eric Aldwinkle.

The second is D-Day, The Assault, by Orville Fisher, a commissioned war artist who has the distinction of being the only war artist to land on the beaches that day. While all hell was breaking out around him, he took out his pencils and sketch pads and went to work. His finished painting is a vivid one.

Here are both of them.

You may remember this. Canadian actor James Doohan landed on Juno Beach as a lieutenant with the Royal Canadian Artillery that day, taking wounds. Later on he would become best known as Scotty in the Star Trek series and movies.

A medal set for Private Harry Wellington Blakely, who was another who landed on D-Day.


  1. Yes, "Scotty" always hid his wounded hand at he beginning.
    Can you believe D-Day was a side note in German history classes?!

  2. I have to say : No comment, lol

  3. I visited Normandy recently and it was a touching experience.

  4. Normandy has a lot of casualties

  5. I did not know about Scotty's injury, so glad that bullet missed his heart. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  6. ...and they are continuing to name new operations.

  7. I have been there, many impressive monuments keep the memories alive in the region.

  8. My Dad landed on Omaha beach the day after D-Day. He was attached to a mobile medical unit.

  9. I am reminded that as a boy, I read a book by DA Rayner: The Dawn of D Day. It was a very long time ago, and I can't see it recorded as being of his 'best' books. But I am pretty sure that was the title. I think I chose the book because we share the same last name.

  10. Scotty had an incredible history before Star Trek!

  11. Great paintings from a very brave artist.

  12. Another great historical exhibit and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I was glad to see the artists' versions of D-Day. Excellent work. And not being Canadian, at least I know James Doohan from Star Trek! He palyed a great part in that series.

  14. I've recently been reading about the reaction of the Dutch resistance members to the landing. Quite poignant.

    1. My family knew a man who was in the Dutch Resistance. Only late in life did he speak about it.

  15. That whole even -- so powerful, so critical. Fascinating.
