Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New Conflicts

 The enduring friendship between Canada and the Netherlands, drawn out of the liberation of the country at the end of the Second World War, is one of the most positive things to have come from that war. In the decades that followed, Canadian veterans have been welcomed back in the Netherlands as heroes.

During the War, Canada had provided refuge for the crown princess Juliana and her daughters, and one of them was born here in Ottawa. Afterwards, Dutch war brides and Dutch immigrants came to Canada and established new lives. The Tulip Festival itself is a legacy of the war and a symbol of the bonds of two countries.

After years of war, V-E Day was momentous.

We step into the next gallery, which examines the Cold War and beyond. 

One of the trigger points of the Cold War happened here in Ottawa. Igor Gouzenko, a clerk at the Soviet embassy, defected with his family, with evidence that the Soviets were spying on their western allies even before the Second World War had ended.

The family would live their lives in Canada under protection, and whenever Gouzenko would appear in public, he was masked. Some of his time would be spent writing- first his memoirs, and then a novel that became acclaimed.

A sample of the documents he provided to Canadian authorities. The Gouzenko Affair would be instrumental in setting off the Cold War.

And there were times when the Cold War went hot- such as early on, with war waged on the Korean peninsula. Canadians would see action in the Korean War.


  1. It is amazing what humanity can endure. Thank you for these very important history lessons William.

  2. ...what an enduring friendship.

  3. Lovely posters of a special friendship.

  4. Friendship is so important to nurture. We need more in the world.

  5. Something positive ~ in history always a plus ~ there are many ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Good to see a friendship recognized.

  7. I vaguely sensed the end of the war. I knew that people were happy and celebrating but not why. I was 5 years old.

  8. Very cool that you get to see all this stuff.

  9. My husband’s uncle served in Korea. He talked about his experience late in his life,

  10. Esos documentos, son muy valiosos, ya que testifica todo lo que has expresado.

  11. I don't think that I ever knew about Gouzenko although you might have mentioned him in previous trips.

    1. I have. His former residence is near where I live, and marked with historical plaques.
