Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Odds And Ends In The City

A reminder to those in the area that the Tulip Festival is getting underway this weekend. Photos are coming. 

I have some odds and ends today. I mentioned yesterday that I'd had a conversation with a man in Central Park in the Glebe. He had noticed me taking pictures of the scilla on the slope, and had called me up to the top of the slope, where there's an area with a small garden and a children's area that has always seemed geared towards inspiring their minds. There was something up here that he thought I should see.

I've passed by this spot countless times, and while I've occasionally taken the stone stairs down into the park, I have never seen this. It is a cast of what appears to be Coelophysis, a small carnivorous dinosaur. 

I reached out to a paleobiologist with the Museum of Nature to identify it. He said it was the first time he was made aware of the cast, but said a technician mark on it was a giveaway that it was a cast.

A different way of looking at things. This bamboo pole lines this area of the park, and I looked at it from the top.

A channel of the Ottawa River runs through this area, with the future main branch of the Ottawa Library in the distance. When the trees start to leaf out, the channel is not visible.

On Victoria Island, coming back from taking a couple of shots of the Ottawa River, I used my zoom lens to photograph this Canada goose, whose mate was close by.

One evening heading home, this statue of Mary on the grounds at St. Patrick Basilica caught my eye.

This is the main entrance of the church, looking particularly dramatic at night.

Early tree blossoms round out things for today, taken around the Glebe neighbourhood one morning.


  1. Being perspicacious pays off

  2. Hello,
    Spring is a lovely time of the year, the trees blooming are just beautiful.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. the cast of the dinosaur is very cool! is it on permanent display or was it temporarily placed there?

  4. ...thanks for the tour, we would love to make a return trip to see the tulips. Will look forward to seeing your photos.

  5. It’s good that you are still making discoveries.

  6. You have blossoms and tulips soon enough. What more could anyone ask?

  7. Lots of variety today including a mysterious dinosaur.

  8. Cool to see a cast of a dinosaur in "situ" if that is indeed where it was found. If not, still cool!

  9. Fascinating 'cast of a dinosaur' ~ lovely variety of photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I'm surprised that the dinosaur hasn't been stolen or damaged but it is certainly nice that it hasn't been. Love seeing the blossoms and look forward to the tulips.

  11. The blossoms look lovely.
    I always look forward to your coverage of the Tulip Festival :)

    All the best Jan

  12. That Dino cast looks really interesting. Also love the spring blossoms.

  13. That fossil is cool! I've never really found that much here except for mostly volcanic rocks.
