Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Continuing where I left off yesterday, looking out from the Shaw Centre takes in views of the National Arts Centre across the Canal, as well as Parliament Hill, the Government Conference Centre, and the Chateau Laurier.

Here on the second level, a look down to the first.

A conference was underway up here with a lot of people- and presumably on the upper two levels, as the escalator was stanchioned off, so I was unable to take in the views from the upper promenades. Oh well, there's always next time.

As I said yesterday, this is an example of modern architecture done right.

Outside, and taken from the Mackenzie King Bridge as it crosses the Rideau Canal.

The wall is done in the shape of a tulip petal on its side, which is more noticeable at right.

One more shot from here, taken from the terrace at the National Arts Centre.


  1. Criss Crossing pattern is intriguing

  2. I prefer inside looking out.

  3. It's a very modern looking building, reminds me of a car tyre sort of.

  4. It is a cool looking building, I like it.
    Take care enjoy your day! Have a great week!

  5. I would not have recognized the tulip leaf shape if you hadn't said. It's a great building.

  6. You get an idea of how large this is when you see cars and people beside .

  7. Impressive architecture and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I adore the windows and the light and the shape and everything about it! Thank you, William aloha
