Thursday, May 30, 2024

Spring Delights Wherever You Look

Continuing on, more tulips from more residential gardens to start things off today.

I was crossing Elgin Street late in the afternoon and photographed this set of planters on the traffic island south of Confederation Square. The National War Memorial lay beyond, flanked by the Chambers and Parliament Hill at left, and the Chateau Laurier and National Arts Centre at right.

These were taken on another day at Abbotsford House in the Glebe.

And these are from more residential gardens.

Here we have tulips lining a path at Lansdowne Park. We'll be back in this area after the beginning of the month.

Elsewhere in the Glebe, more flowerbeds.

These are outside St. Giles Presbyterian Church in the Glebe.


  1. The flowers are beautiful! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. A neighbourhood walk is lovely there!

  3. ...everyone gets into the act!

  4. I see the theme for the day is tulips in unusual places. Well done.

  5. Tulips look great even if they're in a rather unkempt bed.

  6. The whole town plants tulips from the look of it, William.

  7. Lovely 'spring delight' photos ~ thanks ~ beautiful florals

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Lovely. I like the glimpse of Ottawa in the third photo. It looks quiet

  9. They definitely brighten up the streets.
