Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tulip Paparazzi

 Carrying on where I left off yesterday, more tulip colours for you.

Tulips have gradually worked their way into the rose bushes behind the formal beds, a clear case of the rare migrating tulip. The rose bushes are cut back in the fall and begin their growing season as summer comes along.

I close off today with an example of homo sapiens tulipa paparazzi, otherwise known as the tulip paparazzi, of which I am one.


  1. Beautiful tulips, they are a lovely sight to see! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. I bet that tulips are impressed that they have their own paparazzi!

  3. ...I wonder how many pictures are taken during the festive.

  4. It looks like you were out in a very windy day with the flag straight out.

  5. Lovely array of tulips ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Ah yes, more tulips. Might as well photograph them while they are in bloom.

  7. You do good photography, and I imagine have some kind of tri or uni-pod to help!

  8. It will be a popular attraction for flower and photography enthusiasts.

  9. Goodness, that time of the year again already! The tulips are always so wonderful to see. I only wish that seasons here were as normal.
