Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tulip Patterns Found In The Flowerbeds

 Back to the tulips for two more days. They were stunning this year, as is generally the case.

Tomorrow we wrap things up.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Changing Seasons Upon The Ottawa River

It is my habit to come down to the Portage Bridge twice a month to photograph the view downstream from a given point on the bridge, showing the change through seasons. My spot is roughly where the provincial border passes through between Quebec and Ottawa. The Gatineau shore on left gives way to the Alexandra Bridge downstream, and more landmarks that can be seen include Kiweki Point, the National Gallery, Notre Dame, Parliament Hill, the Supreme Court, and Victoria Island at right.

I begin with this shot taken in mid-November last fall. 

Late in the month, this was the view. Within an hour, it was snowing.

Here we had the river in mid-December.

I took this shot on Christmas Eve.

When I returned in January, it wasn't until late in the month. Winter had moved in.

Two days later, on the last evening of the month, I returned for this shot.

This shot was taken in the second half of February.

While this was a few days later, on a sunny but cold day.

I returned on another sunny day in the first half of March.

By the end of March, here's how things were looking.

When I returned in mid-April, the river was running swift.

A few days later, a different sky, but similar waters.

In the first half of May, this was how things were looking.

By month's end, the waters looked calmer.

I wasn't able to get out this way until the later stages of June, but took this shot on an afternoon with brooding skies.

And my last shot for this go around, taken on the last day of June.

Monday, July 1, 2024

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Flea Markets

First and foremost, a happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians.

The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For July, that theme is Flea Markets, and you can see what others are doing for the theme right here.

I took my shots for this one back in February. 613Flea is the main flea market in the city, and generally appears a couple of times a month at Lansdowne Park, inside the Aberdeen Pavilion in cooler weather or in the square on the north side in warmer weather.

It was busy.

Guess what caught my eye. 

This wee doggie was on the lookout.

These captured my attention.

I didn't notice until I was getting this post together that I was being watched when I took this shot.

More canines, on the move.

Flea markets aren't really my thing, but they are good for photo ops.

One of the dealers I've bought from before during the Christmas market at this site. 

One more look inside.

And this is the pair of socks I picked up for myself.