Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Eve, The Serpent, And Death

 I begin today with Christ And The Adulteress, a 1533 painting by Lucas Cranach The Elder.

Venus dates to around 1518, also by Lucas Cranach the Elder, depicting the Roman goddess of love.

This morbid painting always draws me in. Eve, The Serpent, And Death is by Hans Baldung Grien, dating around 1510-15.

Daniele Barbaro is a 1545 portrait by Titian.

And this is Portrait Of An Elderly Man by Jacopo Tintoretto, circa 1565-75. We'll step back into this series after the theme day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Different Inspirations

 I start today with this rather gloomy painting, The Crucifixion, circa 1550, and attributed to Jean Penicaud II. 

Blessing Christ is by a follower of Bellini, circa 1500.

A look down from here into the garden courtyard.

Scenes From Ovid's Metamorphoses is by Antonio Di Donnino Mazzieri, and dates to around 1525.

This circa 1560 work by an unknown Flemish painter is Portrait Of A Lady.

Here we have The Magdalen, circa 1520, from the circle of Jorg Lederer.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Artworks And Faith

 At the entrance to the world art galleries is this large sculpture. Wagon I dates to 1963-64, and is by the American artist David Smith.

In we go. A lot of early art is religious in nature, since that's where the money was, after all. This is Triptych Of The Virgin And Child Enthroned With Saints, circa 1370-80, by Jacopo Di Cione.

The Virgin And Child With Saints dates circa 1476-77, by Benozzo Gozzoli.

Saint Anne And The Infant Virgin is by Ugolino Di Nerio, dating circa 1330-35.

Here we have The Assumption Of The Virgin, an altarpiece by Neri Di Bicci, circa 1455-56.

This pair of candlesticks dates back to 1575-1600.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Artist And Shaman

 I round out the Canadian galleries today with this post. We begin with Artist And Shaman Between Two Worlds, a 1980 work by Anishinaabe artist Norval Morrisseau.

Here we have Alberta Blues by Alex Janvier, dating to 1966. Janvier died earlier this month, leaving behind a legacy as one of the greatest Canadian artists. His Morning Star over at the Canadian Museum of History is my favourite work of art in the national capital area.

Alex Colville was a prolific Canadian artist, and the Gallery features some of his work. Hound In Field is a 1958 painting.

Woman At Clothesline was done by Colville from 1956-57, and features his wife Rhoda.

This is To Prince Edward Island, a 1965 painting that features the couple.

I finish today with something quite out there. Chromatic Accelerator is a 1967 painting by Claude Tousignant. Tomorrow we start looking at some world art.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer Harvest

 This display case features a multitude of First Nations moccasins and boots gathered around a drum, a common element in many tribes.

Here we have Myself, a 1933 painting by Paraskeva Clark.

This is Gesture And Elizabeth, a 1936 painting by Gordon Davies.

Gesture itself is the work of Elizabeth Wyn Wood. The concept is from 1927, though this particular version dates to 1967.

One more work from a member of The Group of Seven. Lawren Harris painted Black Court, Halifax, in 1921.

Here we see Summer Harvest, Hanover, a 1935 painting by Carl Schaefer.

And this is Ontario Farmhouse, a 1934 painting by Schaefer.

I leave off today with these sculpted works by Inuit artists.