Sunday, July 28, 2024

Artist And Shaman

 I round out the Canadian galleries today with this post. We begin with Artist And Shaman Between Two Worlds, a 1980 work by Anishinaabe artist Norval Morrisseau.

Here we have Alberta Blues by Alex Janvier, dating to 1966. Janvier died earlier this month, leaving behind a legacy as one of the greatest Canadian artists. His Morning Star over at the Canadian Museum of History is my favourite work of art in the national capital area.

Alex Colville was a prolific Canadian artist, and the Gallery features some of his work. Hound In Field is a 1958 painting.

Woman At Clothesline was done by Colville from 1956-57, and features his wife Rhoda.

This is To Prince Edward Island, a 1965 painting that features the couple.

I finish today with something quite out there. Chromatic Accelerator is a 1967 painting by Claude Tousignant. Tomorrow we start looking at some world art.


  1. Wish I looked as good as Rhoda while doing my laundry.

  2. That hound painting is missing a shadow or two. My favorite here is the first one.

  3. Love the colors in those first two.

  4. Beautiful art work! Take care, have a great week.

  5. ...William, you have such a diverse collection to the colorful one and hound are favorites.

  6. i've seen several like the first one before. very cool with all those gorgeous colors. can you believe the weekend is almost over, Saturday was a busy work one here at our place ... we did some painting. my bones are weary. lol!! funny how you when you do physical work you can find place you didn't know ... ouch. enjoy your Sunday. thanks for the visit. can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. no blinking or it will pass by. take care. ( ;

  7. Wonderful art pieces, very much enjoyed. Thank you!

  8. I like Morrisseau. The AGO has a few.

  9. Very colourful. Loved the hound in field the best.

  10. The last painting is most interesting. If you stare at it changes occur.

  11. Love the 'shaman' art and the awesome dog ~ so real looking ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm, A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. The first two are the most interesting, I think.

  13. I can definitely see the native north american indian influence in the top ones.
