Saturday, July 13, 2024

Portraits Of History

 We begin today with Thayandanegea (Joseph Brant), the legendary Mohawk leader. This painting is by William Berczy around 1807.

Another work by Berczy, his last portrait. John Mackenzie dates to circa 1811.

This coat is by an unknown Naskapi artist, dating to the early 18th century.

A fitting way to remind other members of City Daily Photo that the theme for August 1st is Fruit. I'll use another painting from the world galleries as part of my post for that. This is Still-Life With Grapes, by Joseph Legare, dating to 1826.

These two paintings are of the same subject, share a common name, and by the same artist. The Timber And Shipbuilding Yards Of Allan Gilmour And Company At Wolfe's Cove, Quebec dates to 1840. At left is Viewed From The West, and at right is Viewed From The South. These are by Robert C. Todd.

Another work by Joseph Legare. Here we have Josephte Ourne, the daughter of a chief. The painting is from around 1840.

I leave off today with this dramatic, gloomy painting. Legare painted Cholera Plague, Quebec around 1832.