Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ends And Odds In A National Capital

I have some more odds and ends shots for you today. On the night we had the supermoon earlier this month, I went out to Lansdowne Park, where in the park area, I took this shot looking east at a large water sculpture, with stars and planets beyond. 

Turning around, I took this shot looking towards the stadium to the west, with the Moon high overhead.

A typical late summer sky here. These brooding clouds brought some late day rain after I took this shot up in the north end of the Glebe. Past mid-August, we can still have hot days, but heat waves tend to be largely over by then.

This is the Chinatown Arch, seen from the west, where it welcomes people into the neighbourhood.

The World Exchange Plaza is an office complex in the downtown core. During Covid, the building ownership decided on a serious overhaul of the interior three floors, which are retail and food court, and that was largely done by the end of last year. But a lot of the terrace area outside was reconfigured, and only recently reopened.

Across the street is a pair of sculptures. At one spot is an aboriginal hunter, crouched and reaching for an arrow, looking across the garden at his prey.

Here at the far side is a deer, who, from the body language, has already sensed danger and is about to run.

Pindigen Park is at Lebreton Flats, near the War Museum. Developed in collaboration with local First Nations peoples, this quiet park includes metal cut sculptures of animals.

A short walk away, the Fleet Street Pumping Station dates to 1875 and lies on the other side of the bridge, where a channel of the Ottawa River flows through. Beyond it, the future main branch of the Ottawa Public Library is taking shape.

Lastly, taken just yesterday, this cutie pie is close to home for me.


  1. We have a somewhat similar old pumping station here in Honolulu from the same vintage. Great art here and of course I like the cat. Aloha William

  2. I especially like those corten steel sculptures.

  3. Hello,
    Pretty captures of the moon and night sky! My favorites are the critter sculptures and the kitty at the end.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. ...thanks for showing me around.

  5. I like those cut-out sculptures too, William.

  6. They've really done a great job in renovating the office building. They've made it very attractive.

  7. An interesting collection of photos. I especially enjoyed seeing the sculptures.

  8. The sculptures are fantastic to see. Great photos, thanks for sharing.

  9. Loved the Chinatown arch photo the best.

  10. Some neat sculptures there but the Chinatown arch stands out.
