Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Carved Expressions In The Ice

Some evenings after my first visit, I returned to Sparks Street, and was surprised that the ice sculptures were still looking in good shape, given that they are not sheltered as they were at previous locations when the ice sculptures were elsewhere. I took more shots.

There were new sculptures as well. This one, Thunderhead, is based on a new national monument in progress just west of the core, for the LGBT community.

And another one that particularly spoke to me. This year is the centennial of the birth of Oscar Peterson, the Canadian jazz legend who is the best musician this country ever produced.

The ice sculpture is based on the sculpture that stands at the National Arts Centre a short walk away, showing the great pianist at the keyboards, taking in applause after just finishing a performance.


  1. So pretty especially with the lights, William! Please accept my apology for the stupidity of our leader here in the states. Canada deserves much better treatment. Aloha

  2. The ice sculpture of Oscar Peterson and his piano is really wonderful.

  3. the last pic is beautiful!

  4. Beautiful sculptures, they looks beautiful with the colorful lights.
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. ...Oscar at his piano is a nice surprise!

  6. Lots of glitter and sparkle in the first photos.

  7. The piano player is awesome.

  8. These are beautiful and I like the lighting.
